View a comprehensive history of all the new additions in Construct 3 since the first release.

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JSON Plugin: new actions 'Toggle boolean', 'Add to', 'Subtract from'
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Tilemap brush editor: new auto tiling template images
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Array editor: new context menu option to transpose (swap rows and columns)
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Event sheet view: expand/collapse animations for events
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'Framerate mode' project property, allowing uncapped framerate
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New 'Camera average color' scripting example
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Android export: option to edit version code on export
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Prompt when opening a second project if you want to close the previous project
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Advanced Random: debugger properties for the plugin
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JSON: 'Is boolean set' condition
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Orbit: 'TotalRotation' and 'TotalAbsoluteRotation' expressions
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Confirmation prompt when closing important UI bars like the Project bar
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Platform Info: expressions to get screen safe area inset (for notched displays)
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Particles: action to set or unset object to spawn as particle
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Parameters dialog: show descriptions when selecting an instance variable, event variable or function from a dropdown
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Animations Editor: toolbar button to preview the current animation
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Cordova export: iOS 13 & Android 10 in version lists
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Mobile IAP: 'On product owned' and 'On any product owned' triggers
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Three new timeline examples in the Start Page: 'Timeline basic playback', 'Timeline instances' and 'Timeline drawing'
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Tile Movement: 'Can move in direction' condition - allows checking if a given direction is free of obstructions for a specified number of cells
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Google Play: new 'force reload' option for 'List Achievements', 'Get metadata' and 'Request hi-scores' actions that bypasses cache
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New 'Move along path' intermediate example, showing how to use 'Move to' to follow a fixed path designed in a timeline
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Additional Alt+Shift+N/B keyboard shortcuts for Next/Back, which can be used while typing
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Mobile Advert: 'Create Banner Advert' action can now set position (top or bottom)
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Tilemap Bar: Tileset zoom can now go below 100% to 50%, 25% and 12.5%
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User media: 'Preferred direction' parameter for 'Request camera' action - can choose between front/back cameras on mobile
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Layout View/Ease Editor: Keyboard shortcut (Ctrl/Cmd) to move related anchor points of curves at the same time, to achieve smooth transitions.
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Advanced Random: new 'Create probability table from JSON' action and 'ProbabilityTableAsJSON' expression for saving probability tables
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Export: 'Minify script' option can now be set to 'None', 'Simple' or 'Advanced' for different levels of protection vs. compatibility
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Timeline support for Orbit and Sine behavior properties
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Timeline Plugin: Actions and conditions to work with timelines through tags
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Timeline Plugin: Expression TimelineTags, to get a timeline's tags on a trigger condition
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Tiled Background Plugin: Add timeline support for the plugin properties
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New Project dialog: 'Start with' option to choose an event sheet or script as starting point (note event sheet defaults to worker mode enabled, and script defaults to worker mode disabled)
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Timeline plugin: 'Set instance' action to play timelines with different instances
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Timeline plugin: 'Play' actions are now async
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Timeline plugin: Option to use keyframe tags with the 'Set Time' actions
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Timelines & Tween behavior: Support for Z elevation
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Functions.CallMapped() expression, to call a mapped function and return a value
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Keyboard: new conditions to detect left/right control/shift/alt/meta key presses separately
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Find results: show disabled events with strikethrough in results list
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ColorValue common expression (returns instance's current color)
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Text input: 'Search' type
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8 Direction, Car & Platform behaviors: 'Set default controls' action
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Platform: 'Reset double jump' action
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Text: actions to change alignment, wrapping and line height, and LineHeight expression
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SpriteFont: 'Set wrapping' action
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Event sheet view: Shift+J / Shift+Q always adds script/comment as an action instead of block
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Touch: action to request device orientation/motion permission, which is now required to use them on iOS 13+
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Browser: 'Load stylesheet' action (can also load CSS project files)
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'Compositing mode' project property, allowing opting-in to a new low-latency rendering mode supported in Chrome 75+
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Max spritesheet size 512 option, for aggressively optimising for memory use potentially at the cost of performance
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SpriteFont: PlainText expression
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Mobile Advert plugin: 'Is in EEA or unknown' condition - useful for deciding if you should display an option for opening the User Consent dialog