Contact Us

Feel free to reach out with contact details listed below. Please note we're based in London, United Kingdom and generally do not respond to communications over the weekend.

  • Help with Construct 3

    Customer Support

    • I've found a bug in Construct 3

      If you find a bug in Construct 3, please submit your bug here.

      Make sure you follow the bug submitting guidelines otherwise your bug report may be closed. This is the only way to submit bug reports to us and guarantees an engineer will look at your report.

      We know it can take a little time to write a proper bug report, but this is imperative to ensure our engineers have all the information they need to address and quickly roll out a fix for your reported issue.

    • I've have a feature suggestion for Construct 3

      Please post your suggestions for Construct 3 here. This website allows us to centralize all user suggestions in one place that we can regularly review.

      Please do not email us your suggestions, but feel free to post them on our forums if you want input from other users before suggesting them on the above link.

    • I'm not sure how to do something in Construct 3

      We don't offer support on how to use Construct 3 by email as we simply don't have the resources to help everyone.

      The Construct 3 Manual should be your first port of call, however if you still have questions, we encourage users to post "How do I..." questions in our forums. It's full of helpful and friendly people who can often offer a helping hand!

      If you're just starting out, go through our Beginner's Guide that covers all the fundamentals of Construct 3. There's also an interactive guided tour you can launch right now.

    • Other support requests

      Please email with your query. We aim to respond within 2 working days.

  • Orders

    Get a quote

    If you'd like a quote for multiple seats of Construct 3 or wish to pay by purchase order/bank transfer please email Please include:

    • Your name
    • Your full address
    • Your country
    • How many seats you're looking to order
    • Period you'd like to buy for (eg 1 year)
  • Wall of fame

    Send us a postcard!

    We have an amazing wall of postcards sent to us by customers from all over the world - from New Malden to Mongolia, Tankerton to Alaska.

    Wall of postcards

    If you have one you'd like to send we love receiving them! Use the postal address above and include your username so we can say thank you, and a Twitter handle if you'd like a shout out!

  • Other questions

    Other inquiries

    You can contact team members specifically with the contact details listed on the Construct Team Page. You can also email us for any other reason on

    Please allow up to 2 working days for a response from us, your email will be read and responded to as soon as possible.

  • Snail mail

    Write to us

    Feel free to write to us if you prefer. Please address all letters to:

    Scirra Ltd, Studio 414
    The Lightbulb
    1 Filament Walk
    SW18 4GQ
    United Kingdom