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Construct Official Blog

The official blog for all things Construct and Scirra run by our employees!

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Construct Official Blog

The official blog for all things Construct and Scirra run by our employees!

Ashley's blog

Wider technology issues from Ashley's perspective.

The Construct Stream Companion Blog

This blog will run alongside the ConstructTeam Twitch channel. Follow for updates about the game(s) I'm building, and random on-stream or offline happenings!


Sometimes I do some cool stuff in Construct. Sometimes I like to talk about it.

Toms Blog

Toms view on all things web and games!

Construct For Dummies - Simple Tutorial Collection

I scour the Construct forums for users tutorial requests, and create small quick and simple tutorials using Construct's defaults features so anyone can use and apply them.

Construct - Desktop Games & Distribution

Tips & tricks for desktop game development and distribution with Construct.

Mateus Sales

I like to make and publish Construct games, but I also like to record and write about the development process.

im bored

idk i needed 15 letters so this just extra

Where you can find me on games!

i tell you my account name on each and every game that i play!

Latest from our Official Blogs

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We release an update to Construct about once a week. This helps make sure Construct is improving quickly and changing in response... Read more
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Hot Posts

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We release an update to Construct about once a week. This helps make sure Construct is improving quickly and changing in response... Read more
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The latest Construct updates and browser updates have made possible some interesting new improvements for both video support and i... Read more
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We've previously done some Feature Focus blogs where we highlight some of the best features of Construct. This time around we're t... Read more
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We're coming towards the end of another year, and it's time for our annual look back at the highlights of what the team got done t... Read more
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Back in December I wrote a blog with an update on the state of Construct's Xbox support, based on Microsoft's new support for WebV... Read more
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In Construct 3 r371 we added a new Xbox UWP (WebView2) export option, providing a basic ability to get your game running on Xbox.... Read more
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Welcome to another edition of Developer Diaries! This week we spoke with Mike Sole, the lead developer on Nuke Them All, an upcomi... Read more
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For several years, if you wanted to publish web content made in HTML/CSS/JS as a desktop app, the answer has been to use Electron... Read more
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A few years ago we introduced Javascript coding in Construct . It's consistently the most popular programming language in the worl... Read more
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