View a comprehensive history of all the bug fixes in Construct 3 since the first release.

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C3 runtime 'Not supported' message could fail to show on very old browsers
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Mouse: 'Cursor is over object' could sometimes work incorrectly in OR blocks
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Platform: in rare cases jumping almost through a jump-thru could get stuck sinking through it
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iframe: could not load project file URLs in preview mode
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Browser: invoking download on project file URLs did not work correctly in preview mode
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Double-clicking a condition/action could select the wrong item if the description causes the items to move down
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Layout view: could draw the timeline path of an instance from a different layout
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Event sheet view: disabling a group with called functions inside could prevent preview starting
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Event sheet view: in some cases could incorrectly scroll while dragging items
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Event sheet view: in some cases could incorrectly describe global variables as static
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Timeline Bar: Selecting multiple elements now shows the common shared properties in the Properties Bar
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Timeline Bar: Crash when closing the bar while a timeline is previewing
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Timeline Bar: Possible crash while closing the bar
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Timeline Bar: Do not change current timeline in the Timeline Bar when the layout is changed
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Timeline Bar: Fix crash moving master keyframes
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Tilemap Bar: Crash when the bar is closed very quickly after starting the application
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Tilemap Bar: Possible crash when the contents of the bar is refreshed
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Animations Editor: Fix tolerance of the fill tool when used on colors which are not fully opaque
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Animations Editor: Crash when opening and closing the editor very quickly
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Properties Bar: Possible crash when refreshing the properties of a sprite instance
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Layers Bar: Bar not updating when changing layouts
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Text Editor: when swapping tabs the scroll position would be lost, and it would appear be partially blank until interacted with
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Text Editor: some JS files would not have syntax highlighting/error checking
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Mobile Advert: using "Set user personalisation" would prevent "Show user consent" and "Set user personalisation" from working afterwards (C3 runtime only)
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Mobile Advert: able to modify the user personalisation state in the C2 runtime before configuration
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Audio Importer: files with uppercase file extensions could not be imported
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Back button handler not working in Android apps when statusbar is hidden (regression in r156)
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On some Android devices when the keyboard appears it would reveal the statusbar, which would then not be hidden again
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Firefox: Start Page icons could appear over the Login dialog
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Text editor: crash minifying/beautifying JSON
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Typo in local variable dialog caption
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Debugger: could sometimes show duplicates in object list
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Fixed a few possible crashes trying to use features while "Still loading..." showing on startup
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Dark/light themes: restored original layout of import audio/files dialog, so the bitrate dropdown works
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Mouse plugin was unintentionally responding to touch input (regression in r155)
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Regression in r156: the mobile export option "hide statusbar" did not also hide the navigation bar on Android
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Regression in r156: layout issues in iOS app export when changing orientation
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Possible runtime crash creating instances not placed anywhere in project (regression in r155)
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Fixed a number of cases where iOS and Android apps may not have used the full display
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Could not export C2 runtime projects (regression in r153)
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Audio: rare case where 'Is playing' state not immediately updated
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Modal dialogs did not always cause all open windows to dim
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Event sheet view: editing comment/group colors did not set the right default color when using themes
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Platform: could handle wall collisions incorrectly when mirrored
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Desktop: restarting debugger did not always close pop-out window
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Possible crash deleting object type while placing it
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Exported projects using worker mode broken if using Physics or XML
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Exported projects using XML plugin could be broken on some platforms (regression in r153)
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Spritefont: could cut off last character of line with negative character spacing
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Debugger: fix incorrect attribution of script time in CPU profiler
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Parameters dialog: errors in expression not correctly highlighted if clicking "Done"
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Animations Editor: Opacity of brush ignored when hardness is 1
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Line of Sight: 'Has LOS to object' always false if the object itself was an obstacle
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Cloud save: cancelling loading could sometimes incorrectly open a sign in popup
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File dialog: possible crash pressing enter when deleting/renaming files
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Animations Editor: Background of the animation preview dialog was different to the background of the main panel
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Animations Editor: Content pasted twice when using the rectangle select tool
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Animations Editor: Possible crash while using the rectangle select tool
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Animations Editor: Colors not updated properly after pasting into the HEX color input of the Color Palette
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Tween Behavior: Runtime crash when destroying the instance affected by a tween which had not yet finished playing
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Attempting to copy in the text editor incorrectly triggered a paste action
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Disabling a built-in function block could prevent the project running
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Fix crash closing Find Results or Bookmarks bars (regression in r151)
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Unintentionally could drag view up and down with touch on iOS (regression in r151)
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C3 runtime: keep Multiplayer hosts alive even when browser window minimised
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Event sheet view: preserve trailing newlines in comments
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Runtime: context menus accidentally blocked on form controls (regression in r152)
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Mobile editor crashed on startup (regression in r151)
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Runtime not working with worker mode enabled (regression in r151)
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Possible error in console on startup in minified exports
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Layout view: incorrectly allowed pasting objects from other projects with addons unsupported by current runtime
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Event sheet view: possible crash dragging 'Call function' actions
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Event sheet view: 'Call function' actions did not update to reflect changes after 'Replace object'
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Event sheet view: failing to paste functions between projects could leave invisible function block behind (and could potentially result in a corrupt project)
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Export with image deduplication could make Tiled Backgrounds show wrong image
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Incorrect icon colors in themes (regression in r150)
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Themes not applying correctly (regression in r150)
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Possible "key is not defined" error when loading browser saves
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Layout view: changing selection while using arrow keys to move objects did not undo correctly
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Event sheet view: possible crash pasting events in to function blocks referencing function parameters
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Event sheet view: possible crash cutting and pasting events referencing local variables to new scopes
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Event sheet view: possible crash editing name and initial value of constant global variable at the same time
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Pasting text from the web in to expression could sometimes include HTML comments from the website
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Bookmarks bar: crash using bookmarked function
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Timeline Bar: Content of the bar shown on top of dialogs in Firefox
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Error creating objects at runtime which don't support effects and have no instances placed in project
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SpriteFont: did not always correctly restore after loading a savegame
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Drawing canvas: 'Paste object' did not always use the correct opacity/color
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Drawing canvas: could not draw if outside viewport
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Event sheet view: cutting and pasting a function with parameters reverted call action parameters to defaults
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'Replace with built in function' did not preserve disabled state of 'Call function' actions
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Adding a comment created two undo points
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Prevent errors loading web fonts stopping the runtime starting up
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C3 runtime check for unsupported Internet Explorer not working
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Timeline Bar: Mixed selections of keyframes elements and row elements did not have a consistent behavior when compared to selections of just rows or just keyframes
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Timeline Bar: Use the correct background color in light and dark themes
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Timeline Bar: Crash when creating undo points due to incorrect language strings
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Animations Editor: Graphical glitch in the Checkerboard board pattern
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Animations Editor: Possible crash when using the rectangle select tool
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Animations Editor: The color palette did not resize properly in the simplified mode for objects without animations
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Possible crash deleting object type that was in container
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Crash closing a project while editors open in popup windows
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Could not edit function parameters by pressing Enter
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Project bar: possible crash dragging and dropping timelines
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Loops in functions called by expressions not working in debugger
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'Replace with built-in function' menu option incorrectly appeared in C2 runtime
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Timeline Bar: Do not show properties of locked timeline elements in the Properties Bar
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Timeline Bar: Current time marker can not be dragged while a track on top of it is locked
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Timeline Bar: Crash when attempting to add an instance to a timeline after setting the step to 0
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Timeline Bar: prevent editing properties or dragging keyframe handles when they have been locked
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Layout View: Crash when dragging handles to edit a bezier path of a timeline
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Layout View: Timeline bezier paths were not always drawn properly
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Event sheet view: possible crash drag-and-dropping events with triggers
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Dictionary files would sometimes be missing modified rows when the project was saved (regression in r144)
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Data editor: column/row sizes could rarely be associated with the wrong rows
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New functions: parameters did not appear in 'Find all references' or 'Copy as plain text'
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Expression autocomplete did not move caret if accepting autocomplete by double-click
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SpriteFont: incorrect line measurements when using character spacing (regression in r146)
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SpriteFont: did not update to reflect 'Set character width' action
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User Media: could not always use camera/microphone in Android exports due to lack of permission checks
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Desktop: deleting layouts could remove non-world instances (Array/Dictionary/etc) from folder projects
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New functions: moving or deleting event groups containing functions did not correctly update references
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New functions: deleting function blocks did not remove expression references, which could result in a corrupt project
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Timelines: Incorrect ease property (displayed as [???]) showing up in ease drop downs
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Timelines: Timelines created in subfolders added at root
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Timelines: Timelines in subfolders where not loaded from a project file
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Timelines: Correctly update event sheet actions when a timeline is deleted
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Crash exiting audio importer while tracks are still being encoded
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Recent projects list on Start Page did not update immediately when cleared
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Cordova export: invalid project names would cause build failures - now shows warning on export
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Bluetooth: can now handle UUIDs with mixed case and with missing separators
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System: 'Sort Z order' did not always redraw the screen to reflect changes
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Possible crash undoing deleting objects from Project Bar
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Sprite font: character spacing did not apply across style boundaries
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Text/Sprite font: inconsistent application of line height property