Forum Topics tagged multiplayer

A multiplayer video game is a video game in which more than one person can play in the same game environment at the same time, either locally or over the internet.

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364 forum topics with this tag
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Multiplayer not passing messages?
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Has anyone run into the issue where Multiplayer works fine on LAN; But, once put on a site, or for that matter Newer version of Android, the players can connect...

posted 4 years ago
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Containers not working as intended?
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I'm in a trouble, here. I'm trying to make a prototype for an isometric 4+ player vs game. One of the mechanics is you can block incoming projectiles with a shi...

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Why multiplayer doesn't work in hosted game?
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I have exported the default multiplayer chat from C2 to a HTML 5, and has uploaded to github repo as a host. So I test and not work. This is the step: 1. Export...

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Multiplayer changing layouts?
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Within the multiplayer game (e.G. 10 players in a room), I'm trying to teleport any 2 players that collide with each other on to a new layout. They would fight...

posted 4 years ago
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I've connected peer to host and the sprites got sync. But the container with the text doesn't sync. First I put the text from csv into an array. The time the ga...

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How do I fully go offline using Multiplayer?
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I've made a simple test programm with three buttons. Push Button 1, it connects and logs into the signaling server. Push Button 1 again, it discconnects from si...

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Multiplayer with a lot of delay
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I'm doing some tests with the multiplayer behavior of Construct 3, in this test I have a maze made with the tilemap and a simple square sprite being my player,...

posted 4 years ago
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So first sorry for my bad English, I'm French and I try to learn Construct, for making little games for fun. I'm new to Construct but I usually work with Unreal...

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Whats supposed to happen. Text object that lists every PeerAlias and their PeerID in the room (including the host). As soon as someone joins/leaves the room, up...

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I'm trying to make multiplayer game, and it works in PC's and MAC's browsers, also on Android's browsers, but I can't seem to make it work on iOS' browsers such...