Content tagged multiplayer-host

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Handdle Bolean in multiplayer
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I would like to share my technique for dealing with booleans in multiplayer. Let's analyze the image below. We then have a computer that shows whether it is on...

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How do I make server become host of multiplayer room?
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I am currently working on a team shooter + moba game, and I intend to use the multiplayer plugin. I know that the first player to join the room becomes the host...

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How do I get the host & peer to reciprocate actions?
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I've been finally dipping my toes into the multiplayer front, and I'm running into a small issue with my turn based tank combat game. I can provide my capx if n...

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Forum Topic
How do I Get PeerIds and Alies For this in Multiplayer?
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I'm creating 4 players board game with online multiplayer. I want to set names for these four inputs when 4 players are connected and store separately their ids...

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I live in Taiwan, and when I was using construct3's MULTIPLAYER plugin, I had a problem with some browsers not being able to connect properly, but this situatio...