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How do I let a laser collide with Tilemap?
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I would like to create a laserbeam. I have managed to let the laserbeam collide with a tilemap with solid behaviour, but on the edges, the laser still goes thro...

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I have some problems in obtaining the expected result. In my project I have a family that contains an object, the family has a boolean variable called "active",...

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My Path Finding won't work with a tilemap
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I'm making a top down view zombie shooter, my zombies use the pathfinding behaviour and well, I'm using a solid tilemap for obstacles, But I've realized that th...

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Line of Sight behavior - changing the cone view angle
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I'm trying to create a traffic system where cars stop when they see another. So if you have a 4-way junction, and you use LoS, the car seems to only check it fr...

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So I'm trying to get my enemies to move in 90 degree angles with LOS. I decided instead of having all the enemy come at the player all at once when the state ti...

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AI stop moving?
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I'm actually prototyping a game with some bad guys who runs after you or your coffin (yes, you play as a vampire). I just tried for the first time the pathfindi...

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In my game, when the player dies, they've the option to restart the level. I used the save/load feature for autosaving during a level. However, upon doing this,...

posted 1 years ago
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Hello I'm currently working on this 3D game in Construct 3 and I in it there's a family called npcs that you can talk to. With that feature I have a section tha...

posted 1 years ago
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How do I check for LOS to object hitbox?
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So I'm using the Line of Sight behavior and want to know if it is possible to check if the object is seeing the hitbox of the other object rather than a image p...

posted 1 years ago
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Line of Sight behavior/condition not triggering action
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Find the project file here. This question regards the "InGame" layer and event sheet. I am attempting to use the player sprite's Line of Sight behavior to trigg...

posted 1 years ago

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