Hopeyqwerty's Forum Posts

  • 14 posts
  • Hello, I've just come across this post and I have an idea of how to make it work, if you haven't got it already :))

    I've just gone into Construct and tinkered about to make something work. It might not be exactly what you're looking for, but you could have it as a placeholder until you've got what you need?

    So, you could create a different sprite for each quest, with the text and the checkbox as one, and then have an additional Animation to each one, which is the box being checked.

    I didn't actually do that, I made one text box that stretched down the length of the quest box and then typed out the first set of quests, and put individual checkboxes down beside that.

    What I've done is given the illusion of scrolling, and it's quite simple.

    Make sure that the "Mouse" function is added to the layout, which will open up the option to use the mouse wheel scrolling within the code.

    With each checkbox being individual sprites, you can ensure that once the quest is completed, you can make the check appear to show you've completed it.

    I'm not sure if this has made any sense, so here a screenshot of the entire code for you to have a look at :))

    Here's also what I've put onto the layout, just in case I've taken you down the completely wrong way, then you can tell me lol ....

    I hope this has been at least vaguely helpful for you!!

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  • Me again :D

    So, my player walks up to a bench, which triggers text to appear, telling the player to "press S". That works fine, and the player presses "S" and the text changes. That's fine.

    But the problem is, if they walk away and then back to the bench, the text won't change back to "Press S". I can't seem to get it to reset to "Press S" every time the player walks away and back to the bench again.

    I have no idea if that makes sense, but bottom line is - how do I get the text above the bench to appear as "Press S" every time the player walks into the trigger?


  • I've just figured out a way to make it work - thank you though!

    I'll explain it here for anyone else who has the same problem :))

    For this, I put in a solid-coloured sprite and named it Camera, and then shrunk it down, and it went on top of my player.

    This sprite was also given the "Pin" and "ScrollTo" behaviours, and I made it initially invisible.

    Bear in mind, the camera doesn't scroll to the desired point, it just flicks to it - though I'm fairly sure the code just needs a little adding to make that work.

    So, for the System: Onstart of layout, I put this:::

    And then, just after a conversation has ending, it triggered the camera moving away from the player:::

    And to move it back to the player:::

    I hope this has helped anyone wanting the desired result, and thank you alextro for willing to help, I appreciate it :))

  • Hello,

    For my game I have something like a cutscene, where the camera wants to move smoothly away from the character to show something important happening on the other side of the level layout.

    I've been experimenting about, and I've yet to find something that can work for this. I also need this "cutscene" to be triggered by pressing "Enter" ....

    There has already been a post for something similar to this, but I still couldn't get it to work - please help!

  • Sorry for the confusion with the example, but I've downloaded the file and opened it, and I believed that makes sense now

    Works amazingly - thank you so much :))

  • Ahh, okay, so there are ways!

    I don't want to trouble you, but I've been using Construct only for about 8 months or so, and would understand how to go about this if it was written something like this::

    player > On collision with platform > Reset layout

    ^^^ that's just an example.

    I could also work from screenshots, if that would be easier?

    Thank you so much in advance and for what you've told me so far :))

  • Hello, I've started making a new game in Construct 3, and I'm having a bit of an issue.

    I have it so that you press Enter to start a conversation with an NPC, but I'm just wondering if it's possible to have the next part of the conversation only appear when Enter is pressed again.

    My idea is basically the same conversation concept as in games such as Stardew Valley or any other game that won't continue the conversation until the player presses the button to trigger it.

    Is there any way at all to have Enter pressed to start the conversation, as well as Enter being pressed to trigger each part of the conversation ??


  • Hello, it's me (again)

    I'm trying to make a conversation in my game and I'm wondering how I can make it so that once the player has read what's on the screen, they press "Enter" to change the text to the next part of the conversation.

    I've had a shot at it, but I think I'm doing it wrong, so I've decided to come here and simply ask :)

    Thank you for any help!

  • Oh no, never mind, I've got it now!!

    Thank you so much! :))

    I was supposed to put "Is animation WALK playing" not the "Idle" animation lol

    I appreciate your help KryptoPixel

  • uhh okay, I get what you're saying, but I don't know if I put it into the Event sheet right lol

    I hit "preview" and it's just moving forward with the idle animation playing.

    Have I done something dumb or wrong? :)

  • lol thank you :D

    Sometimes my brain fails me

    To be honest, I didn't actually notice I could make the layour transparent, so thank you for showing me!!

  • Hello again!

    I wanted a sprite to move forward on it's own, so put this into the event sheet:::

    But now, I'm not sure how to go about making it stop moving once it's collided with the trigger.

    Is there a way to, or is there a different, better solution to make a sprite automatically move until a certain point?

    Thank you in advance for any advice/help :))

  • That works! I've set the "Train" layer to transparent and when I move the Sprite it doesn't disappear - but I would still like to know why it goes behind when that layer isn't transparent . . .

    I'm not asking for a solution, as the one you've given me is perfect for what I'm trying to do

    A simple, possible stupid, issue, but still:::

    You're a legend WackyToaster :)

  • Hi one and all, I really need some help with this.

    I'm using Construct 3 (non-free version) to create a game demo and in one of my layouts I have 4 different layers.

    I tried to move a sprite from Layer 1 to Layer 0, and everytime I try this, it sends the sprite behind the "canvas".

    I'm racking my brains as to why this is happening and what the solution is - Google also came up with nothing to solve it.

    To test that it wasn't just the sprite, I tried it with other ones, and the same thing happened.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

    P.S. In the image I've attached, the blue square is the annoying sprite that keeps getting put behind the "canvas" and sending me insane *******

  • 14 posts