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This is hopefully a simple issue for someone glimpsing past my post. So I have a sound file imported named Growl. A sprite named Breathe is continuously created...

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There appears to be something weird going on between "for each" and "trigger once". It appears that I have to say "trigger once" for every instance of an object...

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How do I Set Time Bar without overlapping object?
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I Have a problem when setup the time bar, when a player click the answer then the Time Left will get extra 10s and +1 for the score bar. I made the score bar wi...

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"Trigger Once" and Families
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To save you the headache of deciphering those expressions the gist of it is: That's all fine and dandy. Without the "Trigger Once", an object is created every t...

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Trigger Once While True question/issue
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I'm using 3D objects as enemies. What I use is this: I'm not sure if I'm overlooking something simple but it's driving me crazy. Whenever I kill the first enemy...

posted 3 years ago
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Trigger once event won't work properly
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I was trying to make my game play a specific sound when the variable Handbrake=0 and the other sound when Handbrake=1. But it should be played ONLY ONCE. For so...

posted 3 years ago
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Trigger Once While True not working in a For Each loop
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I've got a Multiplayer game with one Host and one Peer. The characters are moved around by the HeroBase object. With the code below, the conditions are met when...

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Trigger Once for Each Instance Who Meets Certain Criteria
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I am having a problem. In my game, I am attempting to implement a system wherein if an enemy's "Shield" value is reduced to zero, three things should happen: 1....

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How do I make trigger once on touch of object?
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I got a sprite that should trigger an event on touch once, when a certain condition is met. For that I created a sub-event with the condition and the additional...

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How do I fix this Trigger once with family problem?
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As the picture show, I can't make this condition work when I change b back from "true" to "false", value a still be "true", it should be updated to false too. A...

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