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How do I stop the physics object from jolting around?
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So I make a snake monster with physics and connecting its body parts with revolute joints. Now I got that working the only problem is the snake body keeps jolti...

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I'm making a snake monster and the whole body is like has physics behavior for revolute joint except for the head . So the last part of the snakes body (the nec...

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My character can only dash to the right
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So I'm makin a platformer game , and I have the code setup to when I press space the character dashes , but for some reason when in air and I press space the ch...

posted 3 years ago
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Whats the proper way to make slopes for a platformer?
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I'm making a platformer and idk how to make slopes, slanted ground that the player wont get stuck on edge when moving or dashing.

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Pathfinding On Path Found Object Just moves to the right
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The player will have hunters that go out into specific areas and Is'nt controlling much of the hunters actions. I'm trying to setup the pathfinding and the even...

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Ok first of all yes I am a noob. No developing exp at all just a normal guy with a big idea. I'm working on a turn based rpg. Right now I'm creating the turn or...

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How do I make the share plugin share text to Facebook?
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I'm having this problem where I can make the share plugin to work as planned on other socials platforms(like Whats App) other than Facebook. I can share images...

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I need some help
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Every time I create a sprite It is very blurry, does anyone know how to fix this?

posted 3 years ago
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Picking instances with Variables
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I'm trying to set instances of an object to other instances of a different object based off of a variable (if the ids match the one object should set its positi...

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Problems with Counting Instances of a Value in an Array
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Hey everyone! What I'm trying to do is count how many times a certain value appears in an array, and set a variable to that number. Here's the code I have: What...

posted 3 years ago