Content tagged facebook
Facebook, Inc. is an American online social media and social networking service company based in Menlo Park, California. Its website was launched on February 4, 2004, by Mark Zuckerberg.
About 18 months ago, Facebook launched a new online gaming platform — Instant Games . You could play HTML5 games either within Facebook's News Feed or in...
Initially I thought this had to do something specifically with the ad showing logic but then realised that whenever an ad shows up and I close it as well as if...
I have 'small' problem with Instatnt Game Leader board score fetching. After player ends his round, scores are send via InstatntGames.SetScore to leaderboard. T...
I've made this very simple game to test on Facebook Instant Games. It works. Somewhat. I just want the user to be able to share their score on their timeline. S...
I have a simple test game published through Facebook Instant Apps. Most everything seems to work. One issue, a lot of people I have testing tell me when they tr...
I am trying to use Facebook Instant Games Share functionality. But while doing so it only works using some images. It doesn't work for most images. Pretty confu...
I just started using the FbIG plugin. It's quite nice. How's the leaderboards work on fb Instant Games? The global leaderboards are self-explanetory. But what e...
I added a Facebook component and set its App ID. I am getting this message when trying to login with Facebook: "Can't load URL: The domain of this URL isn't inc...
Adding Facebook analytics was pretty easy in cocoon, but is it possible with C3 export? I just need ad attribution, nothing complicated.
I want to share a text on Facebook. Can I use share plugin? How do I do ? Sharing will take place from an Android app. Thankful.