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Global variables are not working![SOLVED]
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I have really weird bug occurring in my project. For some reason the global variables change on default value every time ANY layout loads. I am confused and fru...

posted 3 years ago
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How to make a puzzle for a RPG
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For an RPG I would like to make simple puzzles for my players, but I don't manage. My first idea (as seen in the later picture). If a player walks on one cell,...

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I am trying to figure out how can I make a grappling hook swing. At the moment I'm using a Sine attribute. This works fine when I make the magnitude = angle fro...

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2D-Plaftormer Patrolling Enemies that attack the Player.
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I am having difficaulty making one of my enemies change from patrolling when theres no player in sight to when the player gets closer, he charges at the player....

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When I try to play the sound the game just crashes,error report informatio: Error report information. Type: Unhandled rejection. Reason: Error: Failed to load b...

posted 3 years ago
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I am new to Construct 3 and trying to do a cooking game. I want to pin my ingredient on my plate but every time an ingredient is pin on a new plate every other...

posted 3 years ago
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I am having difficulty figuring out how to stop the timer at the end of a level and when you transition to a End of Level score menu, it will show the player ho...

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I'm not sure how to set the correct bullet angle when there could be multiple instances of the same gun in the scene at one time. I could have the bullet on cre...

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I’m workin on a simple game like chess or checkers and I need help gettin the chess pieces to show properly in correct animations and x/y position for host and...

posted 3 years ago
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How do I connect two objects with physics revolute joint?
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So I'm trying to make a snake enemy and I'm using the physics behavior and trying to connect the snakes body parts with revolute joint but for some reason it do...