View a comprehensive history of all the bug fixes in Construct 3 since the first release.

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Mobile advert: update consent status after closing the consent form
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Mobile advert: invalid consent status string after showing the consent form
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Drawing Canvas: pasting objects could incorrectly handle layer parallax
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Drawing Canvas: could sometimes trigger 'On resolution changed' solely due to floating point calculation imprecision
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Text/SpriteFont: hierarchy scale did not affect size/scale BBcode tags
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Scene graph: could have incorrect rendering after using "Create object" with children in container
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3D shape: could not export with advanced minification
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Z order bar: bar not picking up slide gesture in mobile layout (Android)
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Mobile Advert: consent status was only updated correctly in test mode
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Android: apps using worker mode could fail to start on some devices
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3D shape: could sometimes unexpectedly disappear when using vanishing point outside viewport
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Event sheet view: could not undo adding a group
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Event sheet view: wrong background color on free edition events remaining box in dark/light themes
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Scene graph: scene graph UI incorrectly shown when using global layers
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Animations editor: crop tool keyboard shortcuts "ALT/OPTION + C + CTRL" and "ALT/OPTION + C + CTRL + SHIFT" not working as expected
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Animations editor: using the crop tool from the toolbar plus CTRL to crop with no padding was not working on macOS
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Timeline bar: crash closing the bar while a timeline is playing
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Could not export with advanced minification (regression r254)
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Properties Bar: refresh after logging in/logging out
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Issue with numbering on corners in 'Minefield' example
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Editor popup windows not working (regression r253)
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Mobile Adverts: update dialog showing missing properties when trying to export
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Mobile Adverts: banner adverts ignoring size option (regression r254)
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Some keyboard shortcuts not working in popup windows
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Project bar: keyboard shortcuts not working immediately after creating an item in the "Files" folders
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Find All References bar: did not always mark disabled results
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Dark/light themes not translated in Addon Manager
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Slider plugin: failed to export with minify enabled
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SpriteFont: could appear incorrectly after resizing image
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Possible crash moving objects behind camera with Z elevation
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Debugger: did not re-render game when resizing while paused
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Possible crash on autosave (regression r253)
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Layout View incorrectly scaled when editor window resized (regression r253)
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Layers using own texture rendered incorrectly (regression r253)
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Vanishing point incorrectly applied to 2D layers
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Tile movement: could move incorrectly after pausing
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Audio: could return incorrect PlaybackTime when changing playback rate
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Audio: possible incorrect PlaybackTime when framerate very low
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Work around iOS bug causing possible wrong display size on Chrome/Firefox/Edge for iOS
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Incorrect Mouse/Touch co-ordinates when not specifying a layer (regression 252)
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Drawing Canvas: 'Paste object' working incorrectly (regression r252)
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Layout View: fixed a range of minor issues relating to Z elevation and 'Parallax in editor'
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Layout View: could not scroll while placing with crosshair cursor (regression)
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Animations editor: certain small images were not cropped correctly
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Animations editor: import sprite strip dialog not styled properly (Light & Dark themes)
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Data editor: move the toolbar labels closer to their corresponding inputs (Light & Dark themes)
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Context menus could become unresponsive after the application lost focus
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Tweens & Timelines: possible runtime crash animating scale properties
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Browser: opening URL in new window not working (regression r250)
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Browser: back/forward navigation actions not working
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Advanced random: fix range of cellular2d/3d expressions
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Layout view: did not show some context menu items when using C2 runtime
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8 direction/Car/Platform: possible crash in 'Set default controls' action (regression r249)
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Data editor: unexpected scrolling after resizing columns or rows
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Data editor: could lose sight of selected cell when scrolling using the arrow keys
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'Set mesh point' only changing Z elevation did not always take effect
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Possible memory leak using 'Set canvas size' with low quality fullscreen mode
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Ensure key down state stops after focusing form controls
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Possible crash importing invalid M4A/MP3 files
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Tilemap bar: show feedback when attempting to load a tilemap with an unsupported tile compression method
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Timeline bar: possible crash pasting keyframes
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Timeline bar: keyframe handles not created immediately after pasting keyframes while in timeline editing mode
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Animations editor: crashing closing the dialog shown after pasting an image larger than the current canvas
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Animations editor: tools not working correctly after making clicks on the main drawing area which produce no changes (regression r248)
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Timelines: folder project corrupted after deleting an instance belonging to a timeline and then saving the project
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Tweens & Timelines: incorrect interpolation of opacity when using eases that go below the minimum value or above the maximum value
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Tweens & Timelines: incorrect interpolation of scale when mirroring/flipping
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Layout view: could get stuck using proportional resize if changing focus while holding shift
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Layout View: proportional resizing not working properly (regression r248)
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Project bar: copy/pasting object type in family did not always add the pasted object to the same family
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Drawing Canvas: pasting a rotated Drawing Canvas did not take in to account rotation
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Sine behavior: 'Set magnitude' with angle movement not working correctly (regression r244)
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Layout View: properly preview hierarchies in timeline editing mode when moving instances using multi selection
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Timelines: changes to "X scale" and "Y scale" not previewed correctly in the editor (regression r243)
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Timelines: timelines not respecting property keyframe "enable" setting at runtime
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Timeline bar: show correct properties in the Properties bar after undoing while the Timeline bar is showing
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Timeline bar: crash setting color property keyframes (regression r243)
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Tweens: incorrect calculations when using the scale properties
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Tilemap bar: prevent keyboard shortcuts from working if there is a dialog with more precedence showing
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Tilemap bar: crash selecting tiles in Safari (regression r234)
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Animations editor: apply the active selection before pasting new content from the clipboard
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Work around Safari bug that could cause Playable Ads to fail to load in some circumstances
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Unminified Playable Ad exports using scripting could fail to load
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Crash undoing mesh creation while showing mesh point properties
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Possible crash undoing changing instance variable type
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3D shape: did not restore face objects with savegames
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Advanced Random: negative values not handled correctly for cellular & voronoi noise
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Bumpmapping effect did not handle spritesheeted images correctly
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Live Preview in editor did not correctly show animated effects
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Sprite/Tiled background/Tilemap: loading from URL did not handle all possible errors
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Main editor pane not restoring properly after sub-diving it
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Scene graph: connection arrows showing even when layers were set to be invisible
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Timeline bar: crash adding instance to the bar while detached to a popup window
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Animations editor: navigating inputs with tab was not working properly in Firefox
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Animations editor: pasted content disappearing when trying to resize an image while a selection is active
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Animations editor: wrong objects deleted after making a selection using the rectangle select tool and Ctrl+A to select the whole image
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Animations editor: pasting content larger or equal to the canvas was placed with unexpected offsets
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Animations editor: data mistakenly erased when pasting content (regression r245)
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Tilemap plugin: unable to create new tilemap objects (regression r246)
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Stealth game example not working correctly (regression r214)
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Blank screen using 3D shapes with low quality fullscreen scaling
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Mesh editor: update mesh point position more smoothly when first dragging
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Mesh editor: in some cases could not undo moving a mesh point
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Text & DrawingCanvas: may not have rendered correctly relative to 3D shapes
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Timelines: crash trying to add a 3D Shape instance to a timeline
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Possible crash after restarting editor if UI has been set up with bars not available in the free edition
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Crash previewing after cloning a Tilemap object
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Error importing PNG images in Chrome 89-90 (regression r245)
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'Call function' actions did not always update text after renaming items
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Animations editor: do not show drop overlay when dropping files on the frames panel while editing 3D shape
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Animations editor: main image not showing after cropping a selection created from pasting from an external image editor
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Animations editor: collision polygon tool toolbar showing fractional values when snap to grid is enabled
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Animations editor: UI elements in the same space as a rectangle selection cannot be interacted with
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Data editor: additional quotes added when cutting and pasting content with quotes
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Data editor: empty cells in a vertical selection ignored when pasting them
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Scene graph: issue loading savegame including hierarchy information
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Scene graph: hierarchy information not duplicated properly if connections were setup between instances in different layers
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Scene graph: crash duplicating layouts (regression r243)
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Error using advanced minification with Sine/Pathfinding behaviors (regression r244)
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Firefox: possible crash closing parameters dialog while a sub-dialog still open