sorinmihai1923's Forum Posts

  • 13 posts
  • Hello.

    I managed to do something in Construct 3 right now, and I hope it helps you.

    From what I understand you want to select an object on the screen, and then move that object and only that object anywhere on the screen by touch.

    Here you have a little example with two events.

    In the image above you can see an object named Sprite2. This object is the same with the dog object from your example.

    I added an instance variable "is_selected" to Sprite2 with the default value of 0.

    I added the Touch to the project.

    And as you can see from the image, when the Sprite2 object is tapped, is_selected takes the value of 1.

    If now you tap anywhere on the screen and is_selected is 1, the Sprite 2 object will change it's position to where you tapped (Touch.X, Touch.Y).

    Hope this help and if you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask them :D

    Have a nice day.

  • Thanks a lot for the quick answer.

    I changed the conditions to ask for the global variable and now it works perfect.

    Thanks a lot :D

  • Hello guys.

    I want to make a game with a few levels.

    In the main menu, when the player taps on the play for the first time, I want the game to start level 1.

    And let's say he reached level 25. If he quits the game then, and start again I want the game to start from level 25 and not from 1 again.

    And for that I want to use the local storage from Construct 3.

    In the main menu I have the following events:

    And in every level I have this:

    I have a global variable current_level, and every time a level is finished I want for the variable to be saved. And when the play button is tapped, if the current_level is 1 to start level 1, if is 2 start level 2, and so on.

    On PC when I test the game, sometimes it does not work.

    But if i export on the android, when I tap on the play button the game does not start.

    I know that something is not right in the events, but I can't figure what.

    Can please someone help me?

    Thanks and have a nice day to everyone :D

  • Hello. I have a little problem here. I want to make a game and publish it on the Google Play Store. The only ads that I want to put in the game are the rewarded video ads, when thr user taps on the hint. And if the user wants a hint he must watch a video in order to receive it.

    I read a few posts here about the mobile advert, i read the mobile advert construct 3 page. In general i understanded how it works.

    But my question is if i turn on the option for location in EU, is that enough for gdpr conpliance?

    If not, what am i supposed to do, so google dont suspend my app or my account?

    I know that there are some special regulations in Italy and China. How am I supposed to handle that? If those are for ads and no for iap only?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hello guys.

    I have a little problem here. I am trying to make a game like those on Android store, where you have to color by number, with many images. I managed to do that with many conditions, and with animations frame, but for 3 colors and 9 objects there is almost 50 events.

    And I abandoned that path.

    I searched over the internet for a tutorial and how to make a game like that. Not in Construct 2 or 3, but in every engine available, but I did not found something that helps me.

    Except for a little post on the forums here, that say something about the ReplaceColor effect.

    But I tried to use it in construct 3, with no luck.

    What I tried was to make a global variable, name color.

    When for example a green object is touched, the color variable store the colorValue of the object.

    And when I click on the object to who I want to change the color, and use the set effect parameters event, nothing happens. Can someone explain to me how I can do that?

    Thanks a lot!

  • Wow man :D It really was that simple.

    Thanks a lot for the help, I really appreciate it.

    Sometimes I tend to over complicate things :))

  • Hello everyone :D

    I am trying to make a simple 2D Top Down Plane Shooter, something similar to Sky Force game. I implemented a few things in the game, like enemies, power ups and other things, but I have a little problem with the control system.

    What I want to achieve is the following: if the player tap anywhere on the screen, the plane will slowly go to the location of the touch.

    For that I have the following events:

    But with those, if the player touch anywhere, the plane will spawn there from its previous location.

    Can someone help me and teach how I can do a better control system?

    I tried looking in the events, but all the things that I tried, does not come even close to what I want to achieve.

  • Hello, I have made a little game, with platform controls. I have put touch controls on the screen, and made the following code in Construct 2:

    All works fine in the Chrome and Firefox browser.

    But I exported the game to apk with android studio and cordova, and when I play on the device, I have the following problem. While touching the right touch screen button, and the character walking right, if i try to jump, it does not jump. So the multitouch does not work.

    The same for the left touch control.

    What can I do to make the character jump while walking.

  • Hello again. I figured out the problem. It seems that it was a mistake I made. In my project I have a template layout and a template event sheet. And when I created a new layout, I forgot to link it to the new event sheet created, and it draw the events from the template one. Now it work as it should. I am sorry for it

  • Hello guys! I have a little problem with some events in my game.

    For start, I made an object named "Player". I added to it the Platform behaviour. With the default controls, and I added the WASD controls using the simulate (left, right, jump) event while WASD keys are down. The default controls and the alternate ones works as it should.

    Now, I added two other objects, and I added to them the 8 Direction behaviour with left and right direction only. When running the game, the default controls works fine. But when I add "Keyboard - A is down - object - simulate 8 direction pressing left" nothing happens when I press A key. If I press the arrow key from the defaul controls it works well.

    What I want to do is while the player is moving, two objects to move closer to the player. That's why I need the same key for the player and for the objects with the 8 driection behaviour.

    What should I do in order for the simulate control for 8 direction behaviour to work?

  • Thanks a lot man

  • Hello,

    I have a little problem here. First let me explain what I have in my project. I made and object, and I placed multiple (66) instances of this object troughout the layout. I placed them manually, so when the game starts they are always in the same place.

    What I want to do is when the game starts, to pick just 15 instances of them, without repeating themself.

    Is there a way to pick multiple instances of the object?



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  • Hello,

    I have a question regarding the use of the device buttons.

    For example, if I have a platformer game, the player can be controlled using the buttons on the screen (by tapping on them), and I managed to do this and it works great. But now, what I want to do is to control the player right and left by pressing the volume up / volume down buttons from the device.

    I looked inside Construct 2 for an action or an event to manage to do this, but I was unable to find any solution.

    Can someone help me, or tell if this is actually manageable trough Cosntruct 2?

    Thanks in advance,


  • 13 posts