cymrix's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for the quick reply! I'll just go the longer route to make it happen.

  • Is it possible to call global variables by a string?

    Like if you have these global variables:




    and you wanted to be able to call the variables with a combination of the text strings:






    from my testing so far, the expression doesn't look for a variable with that name it just treats it as the base text/string. I didn't find any system expressions that allow you to use a string to find a variable. Am I missing something?

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  • The issue is back for me too... And the "close tabs and restart C2" thing isn't working for me anymore...

    I noticed a few other things. The affected items still have issues if you copy paste to another layout or project. When webgl is acting funny in C2 I no longer see a selectbox (when you click and drag). And selections are no longer highlighted; with a box, and the size and angle handles don't show anymore (but if you hover in the right place your mouse cursor will change). Even after removing the effect there is still an issue.

    Some things are visually warping, and others are disappearing. For the things warping, I do not have a warp effect, only tint effect. For the things disappearing, they are not moving to a different z order or layer.

    I think I never ran into this before because this is the first time I've done this much with webgl effects. Specifically I'm using the tint effect a lot. Not everything with a tint effect is having issues, and it's not the same objects having issues each time. Depending on the zoom level and position of the layout in view, sometimes I can see the objects as "normal" (including the tint currently applied). The value of the effect options doesn't seem to matter either.

    I copy/pasted a few of the items having issues into a new project and attached the capx to this post. For me the issue currently exists in this capx as well. - I can't seem to attach this file, I'm getting a server error from the forum. I'll see if I can host somewhere else and post a link. - link here

    Again, I don't think it's a video driver thing as both of my computers are having the issue; they have completely different hardware and video drivers (Intel and AMD).

    This has definitely become a big enough issue that it's slowing down development. I'm not sure what else I can do at this point, I have no "workarounds" left, and I can't see some objects in the layout.

  • Sorry to resurrect this post, but thought I should mention how I fixed it for myself, per Telyko's suggestion.

    I thought it was a driver bug too. I spent an hour deleting re-installing drivers, trying different drivers. I hadn't updated drivers recently, but I had added a secondary screen, so I thought maybe that messed it up.

    Anyways, I go to my other dev computer and I found it was doing the same thing... I thought it was the layout, so I went to copy paste my stuff in a different layout and there were problems there too.

    I did what Telyko suggested and closed all my tabs, then closed Construct 2. I didn't save after closing the tabs. Opened up C2 again, opened the same file, and no further issues.

    I should also note that I've been using C2 since the beginning and this is the first time I've had this issue.

  • I'm surprised there aren't more comments on this topic. One line at a time really slows things down when the event sheets get long. I don't want to split up everything into a bunch of event sheets, and I don't like needing to use keys or using the middle mouse button. I just want to scroll with the mousewheel, as I do with all my other programs.

    Do we know why the event sheet doesn't conform to the mouse settings of the OS? So far this is the only program I use that I noticed this issue.

    I tried catmouse, but found that it didn't work consistently.

  • Oh, and I haven't tried again since your newest build of the pre-release, found here:

  • Hi, working through emailed projects at the moment, but anyone having similar trouble, before removing all Spriter stuff, please try to just remove the actual scon file from the project, and add the resaved version using c2's project pane

    I did try that first, sorry I wasn't more specific of all that I had tried. When that didn't work for me I went further and re-imported everything.

  • MelVin

    I have the same problem, the only fix I found was removing my spriter stuff from my C2 project and re-adding it. Luckily I didn't have much going on with it yet so I won't lose much time.

  • From what I've seen, both the turret and the target must exist in the layout before adding a target will work.

    In my case, the turret is part of many actions that can be taken during the game, and the turret only exists as part of the project, not the layout.

    So when I add a target at the start it doesn't work, since neither the turret or the target exist.

    If I put the add in the "on created" for my enemy (the target), it only works if the turret exists before the enemy is created.

    So, I tried a family that includes my turret and my enemy, and a condition for the family "on created" to add my target if either the turret or the target is created. If I had the enemy on screen first, then created a turret, this didn't work. Only worked if I had the turret first, then created the enemy.

    So then I put them in an OR block instead, with an "on created" for the turret and enemy, and the same action of adding the target as when I had the family condition set up. This time it worked, no matter what order they were in.

    Not sure why it didn't work with the family condition set up, maybe I had it wrong. No big, the OR block works fine for my setup.

  • Thank you. I should have pointed out that I have disabled WebGL in my project. But I believe the Awesomium export automatically enables it by default. Which is intentional. I'm curious if there is a way around that, including editing any of the Awesomium files if needed.

  • Hello,

    Is there any way to turn off WebGL in Awesomium?

    I'm sure most people want to turn it on, but for my case I'm using the Canvas plugin, which has performance issues when WebGL is on.



  • I see. Thank you.

    Now that I know what to search for I've found other threads with the same issue. Sorry about that.

    Here is a good thread about it:

  • Hello,

    I thought this issue was related to the Canvas plugin, but when I remove everything but the canvas it wasn't happening anymore, so trial and error to find out it might also be related to the platform behavior. But, I'm posting it here because the Canvas plugin is the part that isn't native (and seems like it may be the issue).

    When a canvas and a sprite(with the platform behavior) are in the layout there is a notable decrease in FPS. Even if neither is doing anything. But ONLY when webgl is "on". Even though nothing is using webgl as far as I can tell (maybe I missed something).

    Here is a capx example:

    Sorry for the complicated button presses to show FPS. But I wanted to make sure the text was not part of the issue.

    In this capx, you press "enter" to save the fps to a variable, then hold "space" to show it on screen. When you release space the text will be destroyed.

    Enter- save fps to variable

    Space (Hold)- display saved variable on screen.

    Space (Release)- destroy text on screen

    1- destroy sprite with "platform" behavior

    2- create sprite with "platform" behavior

    0- destroy canvas

    9- create canvas

    If you destroy the sprite or the canvas, the FPS picks up to 60. If you add more than one sprite, there is no change in FPS. If you add more than one canvas there is additional drop of FPS.

    also, if you turn off webgl there is no issue with fps.

    I would appreciate a second set of eyes here, as well as any suggestions on what I may be doing wrong.

    Additionally, I'd like to say this is an issue that came about with the newest C2 release, but I've yet to uninstall/reinstall/test.

  • Hello,


    Are you looking for a programmer to work within the current engines for both those platforms? Or are you looking for someone who can customize the engines?

    A thought:

    C2 and Unity platforms have very little in common, as far as porting goes. From everything I've learned you'd have to basically re-make the game on either end, from a programming standpoint. I'm sure you could reuse all the media, but programming would have to be re-done. Though depending on the complication of the game, this may not really be that big of an issue.

    As someone else asked though: Why not just make it in Unity?

    And the reason I ask this is because it seems you are wanting to target more platforms than just Web or Mobile. So if you want to hit up platforms like Wii or Playstation or X-Box (the least expensive for indie development being X-Box), you'd have an additional set of programming for pretty much no reason, other than the desire to work with C2.

    And although I love C2, it may not fit your long term goals. Or at the very least create an unwanted development time to get to all your desired platforms.

  • I am having the same issue. In one event I will create the "one shot" particle emitter and the immediate next action is to change the rate.

    I am using [r112], which looks like it would be the next version from the OP, though I'm pretty sure I've always had this problem.

    Raymond - are you still having the same issue?

    It could just be me ;)