Content tagged instance-variable

A variable defined in a class for which each instantiated object of the class has a separate copy, or instance.

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For the below code snippet, I'm trying to: Destroy the red sprite and error text box (this works). Wait 1 second and create systemgreen text box (this works). W...

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How do I delete child object, not all objects?
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Hey C3 world. Hope you're doing well! Not sure what I messed up on in the coding but I'm hoping you can figure it out. Essentially, when oil pump is placed, the...

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How do I get all arrows to show?
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Decided to do some testing to learn more about conditions. In this scenario, an easy "left-arrow" if cows = 3, otherwise a "right-arrow" should appear. However...

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How do I spawn object and then delete said object?
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Trying to get the right coding for an object (stoplight) to spawn on a sprite if conditions are met (sprite.Value = 0). When the value increases to 1 or higher,...

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How do I create dynamic menu using sprite animations?
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Hey C3! Since being shown the many options available using sprites and frames, my project has drastically fewer "spawn" or "create" object codes. Instead, when...

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How do I create 3rd level deep menu with sprite/frames?
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Hey C3! Hope the Holidays have been good to you. So I've run into a bit of a wall using sprite frames especially when it comes to menus. I created a test projec...

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how do i add value to my progress bar
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I have a progress bar in my game and I'm trying to make it so that every time you collect a gem the progress value +1. So far I have set the maximum value to 4,...

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I have got a loop event, to create buttons (objects) dynamically. To create the buttons, I'm trying to use a function. The loop event is creating the buttons, b...

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I've done something like this where TILE is the object I'm checking: SYSTEM. Picky by comparison. Distance(TILE.X, TILE.Y, TILE.X, TILE.Y). TILE. (action I want...

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How do I update instance variables in timeline?
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I'm new to Construct and was trying timeline to create a looped character walk in a city tilemap. I'm using to instance variable to track the animation state of...

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