srealist's Forum Posts

  • Hi all,

    I'm helping one of my students try to develop a web app for his ecology class that depends upon geolocation. It's necessary that it works on mobile devices, however, we've now tried many different cell phones and many different browsers and we keep getting "cannot open the page because it could not establish a secure connection to the server." We've run lots of C2 apps before with no issues on this server.

    Any insights? Here is the simple test page. It should work just fine on a PC but no luck on cell phones.

    I greatly appreciate your insights!

  • Here's a quick and dirty example. Use the arrow keys to move the blue "character" towards the ball. Once the character is close to the ball, the character will automatically pick the ball up. Throw the ball by pressing the space bar and the character will throw the ball and it will bounce off the ground. Hope this helps.

  • Oh and for the pick up part - just add an image point to your character and then move the ball to that image point when the character is within a few pixels of the ball. To release the ball you will need to have some sort of interaction...such as a touch or whatever that you will use to toggle the "holding" state to untrue and use a physics impulse to throw the ball in whatever direction you want.

    If this is unclear, I can make a quick example for you later.

  • There are several ways to do this however the easiest is to add the Physics behavior to object and then increase its Elasticity value in the behavior settings. Play with this and with the friction setting until you get the effect you want. The elasticity values and friction value of any other objects the ball might interact with will also play a factor.

  • Absolutely amazing work!

    I will admit that I misread initially and installed the pro version for Windows. ******* could not get my mind around how such a thing could've been made in Construct 2 though I was trying to figure it out. I think there are some features in the pro version that could be implemented in the C2 version using particle effects and WebGL shaders.

    Anyway, both versions are amazing in their own ways. I've never seen a paint program quite like what you have accomplished with Twisted Brush Pro. Congrats!

    How long have you been working on this?

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  • This is great! Looking forward to seeing more uses of the lighting and shadow system.

  • Do you know what your initial import settings for the sounds were? The default compression rate is pretty bad, imo. It's made way worse if you are using sounds that were already compressed - it has a sort of exponential effect. That's the only idea I can think of.

    It's very hard to get responses around here to audio questions for some reason. I've had several that no one has been willing to take a stab at no matter how many times I bump it. Good luck.

  • I bought one a while back but since I didn't figure it would be supported by C2, I kind of lost interest in it. Great to hear that there is a plugin being developed. Would open up a lot of possibilities for interactive art displays using construct2 as well as some digital puppetry type applications, in addition to the move obvious uses.

  • Greetings,

    I'm working on a game that is sort of a puzzle/pinball/music/physics game. Pinballs drop into the game at a predetermined rate that functions as the beats-per-minute and bounce off reflectors that play notes when hit. I had a group of kids play test some of the levels and one of the things the kids discovered was that they could trap the balls in a way that would repeatedly hit certain bumpers causing the sounds to stack up until the audio severely clipped. Now, the kids enjoyed this "feature" however, it was unbearable for anyone else in the room and potentially damaging to ears and speakers alike.

    One work-around is the not allow a sound to be triggered again if it is currently playing but this makes the game seem broken as the bumpers become "unresponsive." Is there a way to control for clipping that doesn't involve restricting the responsiveness of the bumpers - perhaps like a limiter of some kind to keep the audio output from going over 0 db?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hi rexrainbow,

    It appears that the timeline plugin link is broken.


  • This is precisely what the sine behavior is for..well, that and a lot of other things that require smooth variation. You can add multiple sine behaviors to an object to have it move horizontally, vertically, scale, transparency, rotation, etc.

  • I would encourage you all to take a quick look at the Ethanon engine to get some ideas about how cool it would be to have a dynamic lighting system in C2. Being able to use multiple light sources, with a variable radius, normal, spec, and illumination maps would be quite amazing.

    Certainly it would place additional demands on the engine and if you chose to use dynamic lighting you would need account for this in your game design.

    The current implementations that I have seen for c2 in the form of plugins, while inspiring, really don't allow for multiple light sources on multiple objects - at least as far as I could figure out.

    Somewhat off-topic but I think the particle effects plugin in C2 could really benefit from some additional features (trails, start and end color, jitter, etc).

  • This is very cool! I'm curious what kinds of settings folks are using to achieve a good anaglyphic effect.

    I have amblyopia and am pretty much blind in my right eye so...I can't really trust what I see without having to almost completely shut my left eye. Hard to explain but anyway, I'm curious what works best for others.


  • I've had no luck on this. On related topic I was hoping to create a very simple "DJ" application that allows the user to load wav files into triggers (or buttons) and then play these sounds back. However, it seem this is not possible as all sounds must be added before the build process meaning that there exists no way to communicate between NodeWebKit and the Audio plugin in Construct 2.

    I put a few posts up about it and got no response so I assume there is no answer to problem unless Ashley, et al. decide to support dynamic loading of sounds.

  • more bump