The new Lighting & Shadowing System

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  • eli0s thanks for sharing.

  • The release notes states:

    "Avoid placing radius-based lights very close to, or even over, shadow caster objects. The algorithm can fail to render a full shadow in this case."

    The image above shows the distance my light source is away from the wall. I also have a light radius of zero (anything higher, even 1, causes worse results).

    I'm happy to have this... but at the moment I can't use it for anything other than effects, such as the god rays as shown in the op. Is this as good as we can expect it to get? I was getting better looking results with paster, but it killed the frame rate. This doesn't give great results all the time, but the speed it runs at is beautiful.

  • iceangel you are welcome!

    AnD4D You are right. For some reason there are unpredictable artifacts. I hope that the system will be ungraded in the future, this is after all the first beta release with dynamic shadows.

  • Agree there are artifacts. As a temporary work around, I got rid of them using effects. but things like opacity still only work sometimes. In my current shadowlight setup opacity really does not work, the light radius as well. Seems there are lots of anomalies that need sorting but it's a brilliant start.

  • An other test. Based on the last test, this time it's a Sunset! Give it some time to complete. Again, a mess of a capx

  • That looks great. Nice examples!

  • Great stuff! Love your first one eli0s, I can imagine using that effect for cutscenes in an RPG or something.

    lolpaca , sorry I missed your post somehow, thank you very much, I really hope that the light/shadow system will prove to be useful within game-play also!

    ramones Thank you! You are welcome

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  • An other test. Based on the last test, this time it's a Sunset! Give it some time to complete. Again, a mess of a capx

    incredible work =d

  • lol that is awesome, I was thinking of the same thing after I saw this thread...

    this will work well in all sorts of stuff. great example, thanks again for sharing it:)

  • Guif0DA


    Thanks so much! I am very curious on how you guys may implement/improve upon those examples. I think we can build a sample base of cool stuff/ideas and have the pros-cons of each method mentioned also, so anyone interested on some eye candy technique won't have to reinvent the wheel or waste a lot of time for stuff that perhaps does not apply on their target platforms.

  • Guif0DA


    Thanks so much! I am very curious on how you guys may implement/improve upon those examples. I think we can build a sample base of cool stuff/ideas and have the pros-cons of each method mentioned also, so anyone interested on some eye candy technique won't have to reinvent the wheel or waste a lot of time for stuff that perhaps does not apply on their target platforms.

    Nice idea, I'm planning on implement the lightning system on my topdown rpg game, so depending on the things u guys make with I might get some ideas for it, looking awesome already what was done here

  • An other test. Based on the last test, this time it's a Sunset! Give it some time to complete. Again, a mess of a capx

    this eats cpu ? something is wrong ? goes to 90% cpu and 30 fps

  • Uses about 8% CPU on my rig, but do get about 30FPS in latest FireFox.

  • Uses about 8% CPU on my rig, but do get about 30FPS in latest FireFox.

    ok i reduced the cloud creating to repeat 10 times every 5 sec , then i got down to 8% and 60 fps on my xeon rig

    so its cool then

  • istavang


    My PC is a 6 year old rig with Intel core 2 quad. I have 16Gb of RAM and a GTX 660 Ti though, but never the less, it's pretty week by today's standards.

    On Chrome I get 60 fps most of the time and the CPU gets as high as 74%. This is on it's peek, with more than 1300+ objects at once.

    On Firefox I get 20 fps and 15% CPU, but the fps are not correct because Firefox freezes for 8-12 and performs like a slideshow.

    I haven't tested Firefox before, I do all my tests on Chrome because it renders more stable and predicable results and since I am only interested on desktop stuff (which in theory should have the same performance with node webkit). It's obvious to me that Firefox does not utilize the CPU correctly. I would have never thought that it would be so bad though.

    istavang, you can also reduce the amount of shadowing objects that each cloud holds. For example, use 12 image points for each cloud frame and increase the size of the shadow object from 8x8 to 16x16 to balance the difference and roughly match the cloud's outline. Finally, reduce the Repeat loop from 24 to 12 times. That should give similar results with half the object count.

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