LoneWolfe007's Forum Posts

  • I looked to see what the forum posting rules were and I couldn't seem to find anything about posting on a post that hasn't had anyone talk in a few months so I decided to post anyway, if it was wrong to do so please let me know.


    Unfurtunatly i dont have the files anymore, but i think rex gave you another solution in another thread?

    I think I found the forum post you are talking about located here: plugin-system-date-and-time_t63492?&hilit=clock&start=100. Is this method a way to stop the simple changing the clock way of cheating? After doing some searching I found a few more posts on the forum which talked about fetching the time from a website like time.gov and then having the game figure it out from there. Is that potentially a way to stop the changing the mobile time? Thank you in advance for your help.

  • I'm sorry I ended up posting before even making sure the link worked.

    inquiesco I did what you suggested i believe and to me it seems to work. Here is a link to the video and I am pretty sure it works this time: youtu.be/pCPvl9OxmIM I enjoy when the enemy doesn't stop but I can live with this for now until I finish the graphics I assume. I also posted the code just so you can see what I did.

    SeriouslyCrunchy yeah what inquiesco suggested does seem to work as of right now. I did have to change the area of line of sight on the node because the enemy kept getting stuck on the edges of the screen.

  • Before I comment you both I just wanted to thank you for the help and tips, that is why this is an amazing community.

    SeriouslyCrunchy No luck with changing the speed, it seemed to still do the same thing.

    inquiesco I think I understood what you wanted me to do. I added the behavior and it seemed to help some but now instead of a jumping action it is more of a lock into place or click type of action. Here is a quick video of what I mean: youtu.be/BqaSlzTQUa8 also below is two pictures of the code and behavior.

  • Hello all,

    I am having slight issue and I can't seem to figure it out. What I did in my game was create an enemy which travels to a node that randomly generates in an area. Well everything works except when the enemy reaches the node and the node randomly appears somewhere else, the enemy makes a slight jump or hop before traveling to the new location. I changed the size of the node in hopes that would fix it but it didn't seem to do anything. Does anyone have any tips? Thank you for your help.

    Here is the link to the video of my issue: youtu.be/-VnTxU3So2M

  • 7Soul That background! I love it!

  • Beaverlicious It reminds me of some Apple 2 gaming. Those were some sweet times :p

    DARTH Crusher very cool. I noticed in the third picture it looks like you extended the black bars from the edges into the main gaming area and an almost overlay of everything; was that you plan? If you did do that on purpose I think it works very well and gives it that perfect look.

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  • gillenew I just got done spending some time with the kongregate version of your game and I must say, for being a quick game that is amazing. The art and the colors are fantastic and not to mention the great music. Honestly the best part is that music, it isn't over powering and fits the theme of swimming or for that matter being underwater. Bravo to you.

  • [quote:29df5jbf]Very very very good, i would believe it was made by Nintendo if somebody said that. Gameplay style, smoothness and art is a masterpiece I'm very jealous I'm not involved in the developing. Good job.

    I agree with you it does have that Nintendo/TurboGrafx-16 feel to it for sure, it reminds me of like Bonk, just not as bright haha.

    russpuppy I sort of felt bad for not visiting this post in a while but when I got here I was sure glad I waited. The amount of content you added is amazing. Your game is coming together so well and the updates are just great to watch roll in. Your level editor is so interesting to me, that could add a whole new dynamic to how games are created on Construct 2. After your game is finished, or what you think is finished, I would be interested to see a tutorial or a quick concept of how to set one up. On a side note of that have you thought of a story or anything yet?

  • Oh my gosh I love this game Do you still have any open positions?

    If you have any maybe it is something I can help with

    I am not at 500 rep yet so you can reach me on Skype: lonewolfe007

  • Ah now I understand, I 100% agree with you. Thank you for your help, I am doing a super overhaul of the game at the moment so I hope you will try the revamped version when it is done.

  • Thank you for the help

    I do plan on making it menacing I just have been trying to get to the whole mechanics of the game at the moment but I will get to that asap.

    I have the scoreboard counting up so that you can see the score you have based on the survival time of that game. Do you think I should have it be more points based instead of time based (ie. for every enemy hit)?

  • Hello all,

    I thought I would post my current workings and see what you thought about it or if you could offer me some tips. I am by no means an artist so some of the stuff in the following pictures and video are definitely just fillers because I like having art instead of just colored boxes.


    The Picnic is about a family which goes to the park to enjoy a nice picnic lunch. The food is laid out and the sandwiches are set on a very shinny silver platter. A cloud, looking quite happy, floats by and is hit in the eye by am incredibly intense glare from the silver platter which makes him angry. The cloud starts shooting electric lightning orbs at the family evacuating all the members except the dad who decides to defend his family and the picnic he worked for. Wielding the silver plate it is up to you, the dad (player), to reflect the orbs back at the cloud.


    The Picnic's play style is like the games where you must catch the falling object to gain points, the difference between them is that when you reflect the lightning orb you have a potential of hitting the enemy cloud which gains you more points thus adding to your leader board score. Because this is a quick, play for a minute styled game there is no definitive ending and is just made to bring out the competitive nature of humanity with trying to get the highest score you can to beat everyone else.


    As of right now I have no story cut-scene made, I am currently trying to make it but because I possess no art ability at all I may just have a screen with words

    The major thing to note is that this game is very unfinished and is still having the programming worked out. I am just posting what I have to get some creative advice

    To see a video of the game you can go here:

    To play the game you can go here: http://thepicnic.clay.io/

    Thank you for checking this out and I hope to have more for you in the future.

  • Very cool I agree with alvarop. And I also think your pixel art is pretty great too. I am most impressed by the level editor functionality you have incorporated into the game. is that possibly a function of the campaign where you must build platforms or is that just a stand alone function the player can mess with?

  • Just based on the box behavior and from what i can see in the pictures it does look like you are definitely pushing it to the limit ("Push it to the limit" by Paul Engemann should be playing right now). Anywho I wish you luck with cutting the lag out of it, I can't wait to play the Alpha if I get the opportunity.

  • Well whoever mentored you was amazing at teaching because you have definitely absorbed what they have taught you. I obviously have no idea what your game is about but could you get me a quick idea on what you are supposed to do, as the character I mean.