aroderick's Forum Posts

  • Do a search on "State Machine". I saw something on it here. I don't know how good the article is but that's your answer.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I think I'd be grateful if I could have any sound when loading from an icon on iOS 8.4 but I get nothing, Even when I follow Stephan's instructions above.

    Sound is fine when in the Safari browser when it's first loaded. If I start it from it's icon on the desktop. No sound at all. No sound effects, no music.


  • By disable the offline cache do you mean delete the offline.appcache file or is there an actual option you can select or deselect?



  • I've tried and had no luck with using Intel XDK and creating iOS games. Everything is fine except I can't find a solution to the no-sound issue.

    Someone, flemming I think his name was came up with setting the sound lock on his iPhone to unlocked but I have no such option on my iPad 2. Just an option to choose whether to make a sound for the "lock screen".

    Can anyone help with this?

  • I have this sound issue as well.

    I'm just testing with Safari right now. I think if I can get the sound working in Safari it should be ok after exporting to Intel XDK.

    In one of my experiments I noticed music started working after a time. What I think that time is, is the time it takes to load the entire music file which really isn't very large.

    Other times I've gotten intermittent sound sometimes with the music file playing a short burst before the game is completely loaded.

    Any help always appreciated



  • I've also tested this. I'm not sure if my problem is the same.

    I get a white screen then a black screen and that's as far as it gets.

    iPad 2, iOS 8.2

    -exported to Cordova, no minify, Intel XDK 1912

    -tested from the Intel server and from local WiFi. Same result on both.


  • I'll add my voice to this. I thought I had a workaround but it seems if you get sound to work in Safari it will work until you come back and start a new session. Then it's gone again.

    Sound works fine with the Chrome browser for iOS.

    capx file on dropbox ... .capx?dl=0



  • Same error for me with: Release 203(64bit/Steam) Checked

    Below are 2 screen shots of the error message, one for Safari and one for Chrome Browser. Both on an iPad 2 running on iOS v 8.2

    I don't have the capx anymore I made changes to my app and took out the Local Storage plugin.

    I wasn't using it at all in my code. I had put it there expecting to make some storage changes. ... M.png?dl=0 ... M.png?dl=0

  • I had/have this same problem. No sound in Safari on a iPad 2 running 8.2. But sound was fine using the chrome browser on the same iPad.

    The "no sound in iOS" was also happening with the Intel XDK mobile tester.

    I tried some experiments.

    I took an older version of the game, because I remembered at one point the sound WAS working in Safari before and sure enough it was fine.

    Without getting into all the steps I took to get it to work, here is what seems to work (which is more of a hack).

    For me it seemed to be music specific. If I get the music to work all the other sounds in the game seemed to function normally.

    I re added/installed the music file using a wav file with a slightly different name(PCM, sterio,16 bit, 44,100Hz).

    I made a iOS specific music function were I play the new music file at the same point the old file plays at, then I immediately stop it.

    Just replacing the old music file doesn't seem to work.

    It's like all it needs is for the sound to be activated/initialized, then everything is fine. This makes all the other sounds in the game work as they should. Including the old music file.

    Go figure.

    I don't know if you were saying you tried something like this already. Worked for me, I hope it will help you too.

  • The message said the problem was with the autosave or bqckup file. So I tried to upload that. It seems you only accept capx files. I know that now.

    The bug didn't really effect my workflow. I was wrote the email more as a report to you or to acknowledge the existence of the bug in case others reported it.

    Apparently it did since I read a message about it on the Steam message boards.

    I have to learn this message system. I made a draft of my first post but couldn't find it to post it so I had to write the message over again.


  • Problem Description


    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    Project still marked as changed after save

    Condition: autosave || !project->IsChanged()

    File: Construct2.cpp

    Line: 2238

    Function: bool __cdecl CConstruct2App::SaveProject(class Project *,bool,bool)

    Build: release 197 (64-bit) checked

    Component: Construct 2 IDE

    (Last Win32 error: 0)

    You are using a 'checked' release of Construct 2, intended for testing, which causes certain errors to be reported this way. Hit Ctrl+C to copy this messagebox - it's useful information for the developers, so please include it with any bug reports! Click 'Abort' to quit (unsaved data will be lost!),'Retry' to turn off messages for this session and continue, or 'Ignore' to continue normally.


    Abort Retry Ignore


    Attach a Capx

    ____ Upload a Capx to this post ____

    Description of Capx

    password organizer

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    ctrl s save

    Observed Result

    Error message above

    Expected Result

    no error message

    Affected Browsers


    Operating System and Service Pack

    up to date surface pro 3

    Construct 2 Version ID

    release 197(64 bit/Steam)checked

  • I agree, it is confusing.

    And not always easy to get information on.

    I have noticed some of the articles on the Scirra site have been updated, (as they mention things like iOS 8 in an article dated 2012) but it would be nice if the dates were updated along with the article so you can be sure the information is current and you're not wasting time. I'd rather know how current the information is rather then when the article was originally posted. Things change quickly in programing.

    I can't help you much, but in my searches for an answer to "in app purchases" I found the Metro plugin worked the best. At least in the last game I made.

    Your question about IAP and windows 8. I believe they are two different systems that do similar things. So it's either or. I haven't gotten either of them to work in test mode in VS13 (4).

    IAP plugin would be better if you were writing for multiple platforms.

    The article below is from the guy that wrote the Metro Plugin. Which is probably as good a template as any for the order of doing things since Metro was based on the Windows 8 plugin, I believe. ... -revisted/

    If you're doing a remove ads you could just go old school like I did and publish two versions of you app. One named "yourAppName" and one named "yourAppName Free"(this one has the ads of course). I use the same capx file. I just wrote a function to destroy all ad related objects, which I call from onStart, and comment out for the paid or ad free version.

    I would include the windows 8 plugin though. You don't have to use it and it makes you the correct and pertinent charms bar web pages like privacy.html and about to get acceptance from the windows store. I think the windows export module is suppose to make these pages, but I don't think it does.

    You can check out my game here. ... a6e6431f88

    It just went live yesterday.

    I don't think we should be posting here as this is off topic for this forum but I wanted to send you something. It's always good to know you're being heard.

  • There are 2 images of the error messages in the last post for you to look at.

  • Problem Description

    Error messages below show Audio caused my app to fail to start in Safari and Chrome browsers on an iPad 2,iOS 8.1.2

    Also fails to load in Android.

    Attach a Capx ... M.png?dl=0 ... M.png?dl=0

    Description of Capx

    Capx fails to load due to Audio errors in the Audio_plugin.js, line 2197(col 198)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Works fine on Surface Pro 2, Internet Explorer Version 11.0.15

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Release 196(64bit/Steam) checked

  • Hi Ashly,

    Just a further note. I forgot to mention earlier I published one of the tutorials, for path finding I think, and came up with the same errors. I was checking to see if it was just my file or not.