The Official Introduce Yourself Thread

  • ]hi I am European so I speak French Bonjour je veux faire un jeu amusant et cool et quand je le fais J'espère vous plaira si vous le souhaitez pour moi de faire mieux que vous pouvez m'envoyer un email à [/color]

  • hotgirllove1113

    ]hi I am European so I speak French Bonjour je veux faire un jeu amusant et cool et quand je le fais J'espère vous plaira si vous le souhaitez pour moi de faire mieux que vous pouvez m'envoyer un email à [/color]

    Please be aware that this is an English forum, so all posts must either be in English or provide an English translation.


  • Hello Scirra forums.

    I'm MPPlantOfficial.

    Working on a game with those initials so that's what I chose as a user name.

    My goal is to create new genres of games.

    I also draw a lot of inspiration from having played hacks and homebrews after having played through most of the NES and SNES classics.

  • Hi everybody, I'm newbie and I want to learn how to make games. I already can draw pixelarts for games and compose music. I hope that I'll make cool games! Also if I stuck with anything in gamedev, my friends KarpFish, Bodya Karas' and Cyzar Crazy will help me.

    I already working on fighting game that'll have many different characters and etc.

  • Hi! Im TeslaPC from Argentina, i love videogames, and as a hobby the invention. i Would like to make money with them to buy more design tools.

    I would like to find people who speak Spanish.

  • Hello everyone, I hope to learn a lot with all of you. I'm new with construct but i want to do great stuff in it.

  • Привет всем! не понятно что надо писать но я скачал софт и надеюсь помогу этим сообществу!

  • I am Pam and I am a business teacher trying to learn some gaming concepts in order to offer it to my students next year.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • My name is JHON CENA!

  • I'm a full-stack developer interested in using construct with angular.js, that will work with an external API. The api is node/express based. Any links, tuts, resources, and/or helpful comments for construct to angular would be greatly appreciated. I've only been able to find a few resources and docs aren't very detailed on the subject.



  • Hi everyone just got on board this wonderful site. Heard a lot of great things about it from colleagues. Maybe I could turn a hobby into a wonderful business or something, who knows. thanks for having me here!

  • hello my name is Charlie and I use constructor to haver my own games, it's amazing the ability to create your stories and to make them happen, Construc 2 is a fantastic program

  • wut? .-.

  • Hello, I'm New

  • Eu sou Júlio e conheço o construct da 7mind e tambem gostaria que voces se increveçe no meu canal ... 9fvWNJRX5A

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