The Official Introduce Yourself Thread

  • este juego es para niñas y niños yo se que les gustara mucho diviertance

  • diviertance que es lo unico que importa

  • Hey there, I'm Sune.

    I came across Construct 2 a few years ago, I believe, when I was looking into game development. Back then, however, I was only researching the market.

    Now I am back again, though, and although I'm super busy with studies and running my own company, I have aspirations to become a HTML 5 browser / mobile game developer (mostly browser games for now). So yeah, here I am, back at it again. Just finished the first tutorial, and have the next 5 lined up for whenever I have an hour or two

    My interest really lies in re-creating some of the old classic Flash browser games and take them into the HTML 5 era. Not going to copy them, of course, but figured it would be a nice way to get to learn Construct 2 as well. But outside the world of game development, I enjoy working with startups of all kinds, and love both playing and listening to music.

    The goal? Well, right now, I'm just playing around. One day, maybe, I'll get more seriously into the business aspect of developing HTML 5 games as well. But first step first: get to know the Scirra 2 platform.

  • Hi, I'm Anna! I found Construct 2 through, which I discovered after a particular indie game rekindled my long-dormant desire to make games. Back in the day I used a very old version of Game Maker on my high school computers, as well as RPG Maker 2k3, but nowadays I find that C2 and Twine are exactly what I've been looking for.

  • Hola soy John D, tuve la suerte de informarme sobre CONSTRUCT2 en youtube, en el canal de WACOM, soy ilustrador y me encanta crear personajes así como animar, veo una gran posibilidad con esta herramienta de darles a mis personajes su propio mundo.


  • I knew of this program in >Youtube

  • hello guys !!!

    CONSTRUCT2 is a cool and nice game development tool that I found on searching for the visual programming on Wikipedia. It is useful for the beginner and expert , who want to know how the thing like object work on.

    Very impressive and educatorial tool.

  • Hi,

    I'm an avid gamer, love to draw and my D&D group's worst nightmare. I found out about Construct 2 on their giveaway thread and I decided to give the free version a shot. Hopefully, I can finally start making games. Procrastination is deadly.

  • Word up, constructors!

    I'm new, be gentle. Just about to get my feet wet in construct 2.

    If I can help out making music or providing sound effects for your games, feel free to contact me. You can keep your money too.

    Take care


  • Hey,

    I'm Kate, I just started using construct 2 in my game design class. I'm excited to see how it goes.

  • hi! my name is guitaroftime, my real life friends know who i am. i heard about this when i needed it in video game design, (real high school subject, i can get my teacher and school to verify this) and now i use it to make games for fun.

    take care!, guitaroftime (a MALE )

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hello world!

  • Heyos cheerios. PolarBearity here!

    Amateur programmer, artist and a bear (not really extra)ordinaire. I found Construct while looking for an engine to make a fighting game on and wanted to give it a shot. I mean, why not? It's free and looks sweet. So yeah, here I am, raking the rep points and badges in. Hope to see everyone around!

  • Hey guys my name is Ishmael Moreno i am currently in my 3rd year at university Studying Information Technology. In terms of career choices i was undecided between Game Development or Network Security . However recently i decided to look into Game Dev and try it for myself and boy did i fall in love <3 i originally started using Unity ( know a bit of programming ) but decided to try something simpler and ended up finding Construct 2

  • Hello people!

    I want to develop games. I have fresh ideas and i'm interested in developing them. I just need to learn a few tricks

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