The Official Introduce Yourself Thread

From the Asset Store
Introduce a quirky, lively character to your game with the Chirple Sprite Sheet.
  • hi my name is arle and i am looking to make a game that hits it big on the web and app from nyc 30 years of age male

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Hi, my name is Robinson, I'm looking for the way how to make HTML 5 game without programming because I am not a coder. I want to build a site that contains only HTML5 game for free.


  • Hiya,

    I'm from London.

  • 中国的同学有吗

  • hello im kecupak

    im czech beginner

  • I'm Jennifer and I teach web design at a local public high school. I found out about Construct 2 at a career education event hosted by Unum Provident about careers in the IT field.

  • Name's Stanly.

    Started with free C2 version from Steam. Liked it a lot. Now I own personal license Construct2.

    I have many ideas. And I want to realize them with my hard work and Construct2.

  • Hi. My name is Tarmizi from Malaysia. I am very new to mobile game development and i'm here to learn. Glad to make friends in this forum. Advices and tips are appreciated

    Current goal: Finishing my lesson on Construct at Udemy

  • Hi im Matej Kusekovic,I'm 13 and i want to be game designer

    I heard about Construct 2 from Croatian game design school-Machina ()

  • I am boy very smart and creative

  • Hey there,

    My name is Elm. I'm a London Based artist trying to familiarise herself with Construct. I'm looking to dabble in personal endeavours for RPG based games (reminiscent of JRPGs). I made my way here after being a longtime fan of Konjak's work. . Great Stuff

    I have always been interested in games, I think petsites started it off for me when I was very young. Browser Based, then from those communities I moved to MMOs and the 3D and am somehow working my way back to those small quaint 2D narratives. If anything, my walk into gaming is backwards in comparison to every other guy. But it gives me a fresh perspective and I love it. I currently work with a project that makes use of the Unity Engine, and I also do art for PBBWGs.

    Among other things, I love literature, Psychology and Art.

    One day I will have my own little studio, maybe for games, maybe for concept art. We'll see.

  • Hello,

    My name is Scott. I have a small Florida based game studio called Think More Games. After years of web designing I decided last year to get into game creation. I used to design games as a kid. In fact I wrote one in 8th grade (many years ago) for my computer science final. My CS teacher sold it! I first bought GMS, a fine program and books to go along with it, but I soon discovered Construct 2 and I was hooked. Since then I have created a few game concepts and demos and a roster of games I'd like to produce this year. I recent saw that Construct 2 teamed up with Nintendo so I applied to become a Wii U developer and was accepted last week. Just this week I was also accepted by Intergi and MediaBrix for in-game ads so it's thrusters on full now.

    I still love (and engage in) web design, 3D animation, sports and hanging out with my hot wife. I'm really glad I found Construct 2, hopefully I can sell a game or two for myself after all these years.

  • я ни хуя не умею. Буду учиться

  • Greetings.

    I'm a New Zealand based graphic/web designer by trade, but am an avid gamer (PS3/PS4/iPad) and hobby cartoonist/animator. I'm a beta tester and very active on the Anime Studio forums, and hope to meld my experience in animation with some interaction using Construct2!

  • Hello,

    I have a few ideas, but only have the free version... for now.

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