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How do I check if all instances are destoryed?
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I'm testing out an rpg combat system,and managed to get it working,however,I wanted to add more than one enemy,and can't figure out how the make the game detect...

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Enemy "Queue"
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Hey there. In my RPG I'm making, I have an active battle system, but I want to make it so no enemies attack at the same time as another enemy. All enemies take...

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How do I make a "slot-based" status effect system?
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Heya, I'm the dev of a Point and Click/RPG hybrid game called Terry Rose (I hadn't released a demo yet.). I'm trying to "revamp" my Status Effect system. And to...

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How do I make a hallow solid block?
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Trying to make some projects in Construct again. This time I want to make a Undertale/Deltarune styled combat system. Ironically,the thing that I’m stuck on is...

posted 3 years ago
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TurnBased Combat RockPaperScissors
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I'm attempting to make a turn based game with multiple attacks that work like Rock Paper Scissors. Iv chosen to simplify it since I know nothing about coding li...

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Boundless: The Realm Barriers
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I'm voidcrawler9 and this is my 8 chapter game (might still be in the works always check the site to see if anythings different) its got some horror, alittle ro...

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How do I create timed attacks?
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I'm trying to make a game with a battle system like Paper Mario/Mario and Luigi where the player has to time their attacks to deal max damage, if you timed it r...

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[WIP] Paper Mario-styled battle/badge system
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Lots of arrays, dictionaries, time in general. And I'm still nowhere near done with anything x). I watched one too many Paper Mario mod video, making me want to...

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Slot Machine Combat Engine
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Let’s learn how to use the “Slot Machine Game Mechanics” as a combat engine for hostile game encounters . I also use this game mechanics as an "In-Game Module"...

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