We introduce a Weapon System behavior which is now available in the New Asset Store . It’s compatible both with C2 and with C3. It is a Construct behavior that...
I'm attempting to make a turn based game with multiple attacks that work like Rock Paper Scissors. Iv chosen to simplify it since I know nothing about coding li...
Player have Sword Sprite pinned to it, Sword animations damage Enemy on collision. How can I make Sword push Enemy aside and lunch it to air when hitted from un...
Let’s learn how to use the “Slot Machine Game Mechanics” as a combat engine for hostile game encounters . I also use this game mechanics as an "In-Game Module"...
I use several combat engine systems and game mechanics in my gaming series; And, I would like to share this "Table of Contents" from the workshop's eBook -- "Bu...
Play this IGM in the Scirra Arcade ( ). Let’s learn how to use the “Rock, Paper, Scissors Game Mechanics” as a combat engine for any combat encounter theme such...
Play this IGM here! Let’s learn how to use the “Click Fest Game Mechanics” as a combat engine for encounters. I use several combat engine systems and game mecha...
This is an innovative collection of combat engines using a dynamic tactic menu and narratives . It could also support "Play By Mail" and "Play By Email" games....