Tutorials tagged publishing

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156 tutorials with this tag
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How to export to iOS with Ejecta
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Ejecta is an open-source wrapper designed to provide a high-performance way for HTML5 games to run as iOS native apps. In order to test and publish with Ejecta,...

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How to export Windows Store apps
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Windows Store apps are available on both Windows 8+ (for desktop and tablet devices) and Windows Phone 8+. It is recommended to export universal apps, but some...

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Como subir tú juego y jugarlo desde DROPBOX
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1 export the game as HTML5. Previamente debemos tener instalado DROPBOX en nuestro equipo. 2 while we export go to dropbox icon and choose the " DROPBOX FOLDER...

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Promote a game and the hard way to make you hear.
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This small tutorial aims to help you cast your first game. Now that I have finished the game (design, code and music) . Now i'm rich. Intended as a simple guide...

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Before you begin I want to apologize for my bad english, I'm from Brazil and I'm using Google translator to write this! Sorry about that, but I think everyone w...

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I want to show you, how to publish your game on your own webhosting. First we need to create account on 000webhost.Com. Click on Signup button: Leave first colo...

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Well , if you were thinking if you could directly make an Android App (.Apk file) from the HTML 5 Export in Construct 2 . Yes , you can ! Just Download this "Qu...

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If you export a game using NODE WEBKIT, you will find that you can only run one instance of the game on a single computer at any given time. This may be fine fo...

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Publishing to Android via IntelXdk and AppSigner
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I rebuild my game with Construct 2, now I want to replace my old APK in the play-store with my Construct 2 app. - I want to get an Android APK run and set up wi...

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Game stolen? This could help you!
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I've published some games on Kongregate and on some other similar websites. After a while, searching for one of my games on Google, I've discovered that some "f...

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