Tutorials tagged publishing

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156 tutorials with this tag
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Exporting desktop apps with NW.js
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Construct 2 can export your project as a traditional desktop app with NW.Js , which is basically a standalone version of the Google Chrome browser. In other wor...

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Fullscreen and orientation lock in browsers
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For an immersive, native-like experience in a browser game, it's important to be able to use the full display and perhaps lock to the intended orientation. This...

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Twitch.Tv has added a Game Development category for game creators to stream their process. Indie games are increasingly being promoted during development to cre...

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Simple protection of published game. Part Two.
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CBHash is a third party plugin made by lovely Kyatric . Download it from here: CBHash plugin . In previous part of my tutorial (you can find it here Simple prot...

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Handling Device Rotation
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I recently received an email asking how I handle device rotation, so here it is! Create an upper most layer on all layouts and name it rotate. You need to creat...

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With the newest releases of Construct 2, you have (by default) only one choice to export to iOS: Cordova (PhoneGap). Cordova requires you to sign-up to be an iO...

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In October of 2014 if you had apps published to the Google play store using cordova via intel XDK you probably received an email that looked a lot like this. TH...

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I thought this tutorial could be useful for everyone since I realised most people are having difficulties especially with "IOS" section which was same for me fo...

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Distributing using Node-Webkit for Free (Windows)
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Note that distributing using this method is a little unstable. I don't know how any of this works for Mac, or Linux (considering I don't have those platforms)....

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If your are using Intel XDK in another language than English and have a missing Build Button, simply change your Windows System language to English to solve the...

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