Content tagged javascript

JavaScript, often abbreviated as JS, is a high-level, interpreted programming language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification. It is a language that is also characterized as dynamic, weakly typed, prototype-based and multi-paradigm.

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Advanced minification question
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I have everything pretty much working with advanced minification in my game except for one issue. My whole game is pretty much in Javascript except for some tou...

posted 4 years ago
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Got some editor questions
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Just a couple questions/comments about the Javascript functionality: 1. While editing a script, hitting escape reverts all changes since you last clicked outsid...

posted 4 years ago
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Generating a random number with scripting
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How do I generate a random whole number via scripting? I tried using math.RandomInt(100), math.Random(100) and more. But it keeps telling me that math or random...

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Paypal Button doesn't work
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I wanted to purchase Construct 3 but whenever I'm clicking the Paypal button the blank pop-up window that opens immediately closes itself. The same issue on Chr...

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Trying to Update vectorY via JavaScript
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I am relatively new to Construct. To practice I want to try to write the Flappy Bird template project fully in Javascript. So first I created a Class Player: Cl...

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Rounded Rectangle?
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How do I draw a rounded rectangle? Either with events or scripts will work for me. I tried it with scripts but many times things will not work if I try using th...

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I was just wondering how or what the root URL was to the files folder. Any help would be much appreciated. For example. Action("RootUrlHere", "Filename.Filetype...

posted 4 years ago
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Basically that.

posted 4 years ago
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How do I read the current url?
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Is there a way to read the current url the project/game is running on? Because when I can read the url I can try to extract the access/login token from the url....

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Pick Object by IID / manipulate previous object instance?
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Is there any possible way how I can reference a previous sprite if there are a multiple number of them? Like picking the sprite by it's IID : Icon(icon.Count-1)...

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