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How do I use dt?
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I feel like I've gone down this rabbit hole many times and for the life of me I can't figure out the "accurate" formula for using dt. In some examples, I've see...

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Should I use delta-time to move my camera?
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Ashley's 2017 article on delta-time says: So, can I ignore delta-time when using the lerp function to position a sprite with the ScrollTo behavior? For context,...

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Platformer Set Vector Y with independence framerate
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I want make player 'jump' when get hit , then I trigger set vector y (-100). Then how to set it with 'dt' ? Because when game play on 30fps and 144fps it will b...

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How do I make this code framerate independent?
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Okay, before you click off, I know what delta time is. I've read through the manual, and some examples, but I'm not exactly sure how to apply it here. I've trie...

posted 9 months ago
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How do I create movement with deta time?
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Hope you're doing well today. I'm currently working on my mobile video game on C3. It's a top down game where you need to dash to move and attack ennemies. Dash...

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I've got a pause menu that sets the system timescale to 0. There are sliders in the pause menu that increase/decrease their values every tick. This means that u...

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