Content tagged browser

A browser is a piece of software that allows you to display content from the internet. Common browsers are Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Safari.

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We were testing a game on Iphone X in Safari browser . While typing the text in the input text field, the keyboard comes up and after focusing out of the input...

posted 4 years ago
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Is Pixel Perfect Font Rendering Possible?
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I'm creating a game which requires clear, pixel perfect font rendering. Spritefont works, but it's terrible when it comes to scaling and the default C2 Text obj...

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How do I read the current url?
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Is there a way to read the current url the project/game is running on? Because when I can read the url I can try to extract the access/login token from the url....

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How do I use Browser Object in Javascript code?
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I don't want an expression. How can I call a browser object from Javascript?

posted 4 years ago
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Simulate Mobile Devices?
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In browser's dev mode there's an option (cellphone icon) that helps you simulate the page on different mobile screens. I would like to use that option when test...

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Facebook Browser on iOS does not resize my game!
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I have create an advergame for a brand, but I have a big problem! When I use it from Facebook or Instagram app (this brand is doing advertising with the HTML5 g...

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Whenever I am previewing the game, and close the preview while I have the console window open (the one that open with F12) my whole C3 editor just abruptly clos...

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How do I sell my game?
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It is currently being sold at the codcanyon. Where else can you sell exclusively for expensive?

posted 4 years ago
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Call construct function from the browser console?
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Is it somehow possible to call a Construct function from the browser debug console? Does anybody know how this can be done? I've tried to search for it, but hav...

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I have a rather simple question to ask. I would like to store the value of a URL parameter in an integer, how do I go on about doing that?Here's my current situ...

posted 4 years ago

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