pillaystation's Forum Posts

  • Yes, you need to show an export for us to help you. I looked at the console inspector and it did says the speed parameter =0. Did you put in the correct speed when you were programming it?

    I can not say how you're bullet size is too large without looking at your export. You might have accidentally made the size,width,height or scale to a very large number.

    You should show us a screenshot/video of your code or an export so we can precisely tell you what the exact issue is to help you.

  • Can you show a youtube video of these? They look interesting!

  • I searched Rampart and looks really interesting and unique!Let me know if you ever plan on posting anything.

  • I've done similar code in a different context.Usually there are a lot of problems when you're

    using cos/sin with absolute values as well as switching between positive and negative manually(by mulitplying by *-1). The reason is what you just said. absolute values ONLY accept positive values(in your case it's only negative values I believe because you multiplied by *-1)

    Also, you should look at"maths and trigonometry cheat sheet for 2D and 3D games" online.The list contains the majority of math equations needed for practically everything (I believe it's on github.)

    Also, you're using the clamp function. The clamp functions uses these parameters (value,upper bound,lower bound) The value will be between upper and lower bound. THAT ALMOST always has problems with abruptness in cases like these. You're "clamping" between 2 points(an analogy is an oyster clamping a pearl in it's mouth)

    You should definitely use r0jhound's method.

    Just curious, what game are you making?

    I think r0j0hound made a forum listing the games he played. I've played all the games on the list except for one. I was really curious what the game (...) is. Is that the name of a game or is the list longer?I really liked the games you mentioned,R0J0hound. What were ALL the games you played?

    wow. You spent a lot of your childhood in this one hobby. Now I know why you're so skilled!


    Commander Keen

    Star Legions

    Space Quest


    Wolfenstien 3d


    The Incredible Machine

    Yukon Trail

    Jazz Jackrabbit


    Age of Empires 1



  • I think rojohound had an example of ribbon object but it gives a 404 error. I can't figure out how to ribbons very effectively. Does anyone have any example that can help?

    I heard there is a way to revive your dropbox files (because some of the files give you a 404 error)


    ...or if someone can give me new examples of the ribbon object...it would be very helpful.

  • What I want to do is for the player to be able to chose a picture from their computer(i think i've seen similar examples but I can't really remember)and be able to display that picture in their game.ONLY pictures...no other file can be uploaded.

    I feel like this is something really easy...but I can't seem to figure it out..

  • is there a way to do this using ini files or something?

  • no that doesn't work...when I close the engine and reboot it...the file still exists but when I try to load the game it either crashes or acts like it doesnt exist. I might have done it wrong...can you give an example?

  • does anyone at least have an example with load/save with buttons...How do I tell the engine not to load anything if there no file saved yet?(you just started the game)

  • I have a simple problem but I can't solve it...When I try to load a game after I saved the game....everything is fine...but if I try to load the game if the game hasn't saved yet the game crashes..I want the load button to be dysfunctional if there is no file saved yet...but I want it to be functional when a file is saved

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  • it says I'm at the 6th percentile so does that mean 94% computers are faster than it?

    does the cpu mark matter the most when it comes it speed? it says I'm at the 16th percentile(so 84% of computers are faster than it?)

    I'm also confused about something...games like bioshock infinite and ori and blind forest require intel core 2.4 ghz. I have an intel core 3.0 ghz and my game still lags...does that mean there are other factors to speed because I don't think my game is more powerful than bioshock infinite....

  • I might be releasing my first games soon but I noticed that it did lag a little bit...My processor is a dual core e8400mny@3.0 ghz and my game averages around 50-52 fps(this doesn't sound bad but is VERY NOTICEABLE for my game..but at least feel playable).

    I know this is a computer question but I'm thinking some people in this forum must have released a video game or 2 online. Does anyone know if this reasonable to release the game like this?I don't know how fast my processor is compared to other computers...Should I keep optimizing it until a slower processor can run it?

    All other specs seem to do fine by the way.

  • When I try to go to the next layout the game crashes. The game only crashes when there is a slow/inconsistent frame-rate.I looked at the article https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/67/delta-time-and-frame-rate-independence and it says that the platform behavior is already frame-rate independent because it uses dt. Is it possible for the game to ONLY crash when there is a slow/inconsistent frame-rate and still be frame-rate independent at the same time.

    p.s. I checked very thoroughly that I did NOT have "Every X seconds condition"

  • I'm not sure if my question made sense.... but I think you might understand if download the .cap file and run it..though.