Oron's Forum Posts

  • 12 posts
  • Very sadly there is no right now any viable option to export to mobile a C2 game ...

    I would love someone to prove me wrong with an example in the playstore or applestore.

    I am talking about a "real game", with moving sprites, few collision checks, backgrounds, sounds, and some basics C2 behaviours like Bullet (i am not even talking about Physics or IAP). Even Letter Box scale do not work (how am i going to do with differents devices screensize...?)

  • Well for me I saw a good increase in performance (FPS). Instead of dropping sometimes to 15-20 (unplayable), it is now run a smooth 40 FPS on my S galaxy :)

    Physics are still not working for me. And I noticed each layout take 3 seconds to load (instead of 1 with cocoonjs 1.3)

  • thank you for your answers, I'm going to try that.

  • Hi guys, I would like to do this feature my game :

    1) User can upload an image (it could be entering an URL to an image)

    2) Game load the image into an existing sprite.

    3) Sprite is saving loaded image (2) so if the game is restarted, the image don't have to be reloaded from internet.

    I have test step 1) et 2) using Load image from. But I don't know how to do the 3). Anyone has idea ? I would like it to work if possible on mobile too (I'm using cocoonJS) <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />


  • You may be wary about cloning Tetris, it has strong patents, and Tetris Company won't hesitate take engage a takedown action on the IOS store it seems.



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  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    "Example: Pathfinding demo" coming in C2 examples.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Open the "Example: Pathfinding demo" in C2.

    2. Export it with CocoonJS

    3. Launch it with CocoonJS Launcher on Android or IOS

    Observed result:

    CocoonJS Launcher Crash immediately.

    Expected result:

    Pathfinding to work like on desktop.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: no

    Firefox: no

    Internet Explorer: no

    Operating system & service pack:

    win7 sp 1

    Construct 2 version:


  • any news from ludei ? :(

    Are there any workaround to prevent the crashing ?

  • thanks encryptedCow !

    after experimenting i came with a close solution :

    • when drop collide with ground
    • spawn many little drop a water with bullet properties with bullet behaviours to simulate the splash effect
  • Hi anyone has an idea on how to make the effect of a drop of liquid on a solid surface ?

    It doesn't have to be realistic.

    (Currently I am creating a sprite with a circle in it and change it height when it is on collision with a solid)

    <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Should i really put collisions on a timer to improve performance ?

    The FPS seems to go higher but I suspect it causing a more frequent garbarge collection, because the game seems to have a stuttering when i do it. Am i doing it correctly ?

    A] System Every 0.1 seconds > Player on collision with wall > actions


    B] Player on collision with wall > actions

  • Ok Ashley, Ludei told me the same thing, that "it's probably garbage collecting, on js or java side".

    I will try the last build with the hot fix tomorrow.

    However, I wonder if I decrease the game screen resolution (window size) of the game exported to cocoonjs, could it boost the performance or memory used ? Or is it unrelated ?

  • Hi everyone, I spent my last days trying to optimize my game for mobile (already read all performances tips). The game is a simple horizontal runner game, with one long layout (500*100,000 pixels). I use cocoonjs 1.3 to export it on mobile.

    What is strange is that i achieve a 60-62 fps on my Galaxy Note 2, about the same rate on my desktop PC, but the sprites and background on mobile are not scrolling smoothly like on my desktop.

    It's like every second there is a micro-freeze or lag of the sprites or tiles elements. The FPS is not really dropping when it occurs, it stays at 58-62. The feel is better on Iphone 5 though, but on android even with high FPS the scroll is not smooth.

    Is the issue on CocoonJS wrapper? Somebody else experience such thing ?

    I don't use any effect, I tried to disable some behaviours, use tiny sprites, I haven't found the cause.

    For scrolling I use :

    * EveryTick > System : set scroll X to player.X + 150

    * player have a bullet behaviour with a speed of 300.

  • 12 posts