Original Someone's Forum Posts

  • After switching to a newest version of C3 platforming in my game became bugged. My player object triggers on collision with ground -> simulate control jump, so it bounces up with every single collision. It was PEREFECTLY fine before the update (In case you think that it's because I use on collision instead of is overlapping event). It works fine with static ground, or ground that moves down/right/left, but it works terribly when the ground moves up or ESPECIALLY if it moves up+right/down, player starts getting stuck, flying all around the place. Is there any way to fix it? Or is there any way on switching to old platform behaviour without "fixes" without changing C3 version?

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  • The problem is simple: I need to give object1's Platform vectors to object2 on collision. Object2 also has solid behavior so it stops object1, thus setting it's Platform's vector X to zero. In the end object2 always gets X vector = 0

    I tried solutions like setting object1's vector X to a local variable every tick if it doesn't equal 0, and giving that value to object2 on actual collide, but it just isn't fast enough! How may I use pre-collide vector check? Distance checks won't help.


  • I tried to launch debug mode but it just crushed the whole thing, anyone else stumbled upon same problem? I tried different settings (Preview method: popup/dialogue) but there doesn't seem to be any changes. How do I fix it?

  • If you only need to store 0 and 1, you can use setbit/getbit expressions. There was a post about them just today:


    No, this time I need to store different values (4 , 7 , 13 etc), or even strings. I saw your answer about setbit, as I understood it pretty much works like a lot of independent boolean switches. That's useful, but not in that case. I could use RegEx, but I think there is a much more simple way to implement it, that I just can't see

  • Is there any way to turn variable to fully functional one-dimension array? The case is that there is a lot of times I want to keep huge amount of values in a single place, but I don't want to use array. For now I can only make variable an array like storage using tokenat() to get data, but how can I edit it? I tried using this: replace(tokenat(Text,0,"|"),"0","1")

    Text: 0|0

    Expected result: 1|0

    Result: 1 or 1|1

    But as written it gives wrong results


  • So I found Setbit and Getbit in system's expression list and couldn't really grasp the idea of how they work. Can someone explain how to use it properly and where to use it? .C3P would be really nice, also. Thanks!


  • "!!!" & (Variable=5?"Good":"Bad")

    Many thanks! Solution is surprisingly easy

  • The problem is I want to write an algorithm within one action only. It looks like this: "!!!"&Variable=5?"Good":"Bad"

    As a result it always returns "Good", altrough Variable doesn't equal 5. As you can see there is "!!!" before comparison for true/false statements and it counts as a condition. If "!!!" and Variable = 5 then if true "Good" if false "Bad". The question is how do I manage to avoid making "!!!" text a condition and keep expression under one only action? Thanks for your replies!

  • Try this thread:


    Save your excel to CSV and use the demo in that thread to convert it to array.

    Thanks you for your reply! Unfortunately it still won't see cyrillic symbols. I think the problem is in unicode. I must switch it to UTF-8 somehow, but I couldn't find that kind of feature in Construct.

  • Hello! I was trying to import data from excel table via ajax, unfortunately i've stumbled upon this:

    As you can see there is a lot of <?> symbols, they replace cyrillic characters. At the same time english text/numbers e.t.c displayed perfectly fine. As I dwelled in debugger I found that data itself gets corrupted at the stage of getting it with AJAX. So for example transfering something like "Водка водка 223" from .txt file will result in "????? ????? 223". There are same error symbols in debugger itself. Tested it with Chrome, on C2 and C3, same result everywhere. How can I deal with it?


  • Some levels of my game contains objects with a lot of polygons, and sometimes they overlap. When player goes near some of those objects it can stuck in a point of their overlap (For example a box and a circle objects) even if there is a tiny polygon on a way (Like on screen, red lines are collision polygons). Is there any way to make player object slide by walls and ignore small collisions?

  • So the problem of this topic is in constant enlargement of game's window size. My game's window size is 1280x1040, just like my monitor's resolution, but on bigger monitors such as 1600x900 the game stretches window size, so the player can see objects that shouldn't be seen normally. How do I keep 1280x1040 fullscreen resolution on every monitor, is there any way to do this?

    Thank you for your reply

  • Okay, so I need to pin an object1 to object2 but with radius offset, so the object1 won't always share the the same position with object2, instead it will be always like 50 pixels away from object2 for example

    The radius setting itself is working because of sin/cos math operators, but there is terrible bug where pinned object starts to lag if mouse is too close to it (It calculates it's angle using mouse position)

    That's pretty hard to explain, that's why I made this CAPX

    Many thanks for your answers!

    CAPX: drive.google.com/open

  • I can't load data to array with "Load" event, it just won't work, but it works with global variables

    I was trying to extract data from rex's plugin called "DungeonGen" with "DungeonGen.MapAsJSON" method, but nothing happens and array is steel empty

    Image that could help you in understanding my question-> :)


  • I think this tutorial can help you.



    Cheers! That's exactly what I wanted to find, thanks ;) Strange, but I never founded this page trough google search