ChickWithGuns's Forum Posts

  • 12 posts
  • I have to give you kudos, being female, I can say that is the most romantic thing a game nerd could do for a significant other. Well done!

  • Dang this is actually very interesting to me. I might try this with my art portfolio, that way I can show good resolution samples without people right clicking and downloading my art for distributing illegally. I normally use a watermark, but those are easy to photoshop out if someone is determined enough.

  • Thank you guys, this is all very useful information for me. I'm not a programmer, not in any professional sense, all my experience in the past has been scripting mods built with construction programs for other games (Elder Scrolls stuff). I've been reading a book about databases and php, and I was very excited when I saw the ajax ability in C2. However I also needed info on how to connect the dots between C2 and accessing a server database, so all this is very helpful for noobs like me. This topic has been bookmarked on my browser for reference.

  • You guys are awesome, thanks!

  • My husband bought a license for me last week, forwarded it to my email, and I followed the directions for installing it. I get an error when I load C2 stating that a license was detected, but there is an error with it, and C2 only loads the free version and not the licensed version. I'm not sure if this is a bug or user error, and I'm hoping for a little advice. I probably should have asked sooner, but I did not get to this until now (college tends to do that).

  • Suppose I have a quest which requires say a 24 hour wait time to update (for example, a town simulation where it takes 24 hours to complete the building of a lumber mill), how is the timer applied (so that the player must wait 24 hours until the lumber mill updates to being finished)?

    *note* I'm not making a city simulator, but the application is the same, and it's the best example I could think of for now.

  • Love what you guys are doing!   Whatever you do, as tempting as some offers may become, PLEASE don't ever sell this to a bigger company! Look at what Disney did to the rocket engine. Companies buy out little guys and then either jack up the price (Unlead being taken over by Corel) or get rid of the product and eliminate competition. Or take the product and make it propriety (Adobe vs Macromedia). Stand small for now and later stand tall. Things need time to grow. Some of these great designers who are now using your software will one day make something fantastic and they will point back to this. Here's to the future!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • First of all, I'm loving how this project is expading! Loving it! I will be getting a standard license as soon as this month's bills are settled. How can I not? The price is excellent and well worth it, especially the pre-adopter's discount. I'm glad support for animation is moving along too! I'm wondering when this forum will receive the kind of divisions that the Contruct classic forums has. I'd like to see a section for user tutorials and showing off. For me tutorials will be essential as I'm not a programmer. A good platformer or side-scrolling tutorial would be very helpful. This general forum is getting busy to search through for such information. That is a great thing in itself though :)

  • I agree with this, some kind of built in animation editor would be wonderful, even a simple one. I would rather use animations than create events to mimic animations.

  • "And if for some reason I did want to do vector stuff for the web I'd just go back to using Flash, because that's what Flash does."

    Some people would welcome this though, seeing that flash is is so expensive it cuts out small or home based developers. I would love to see this expand into a flash alternative. I love animations and the current limits on C2 has prevented me from moving forward on some of my ideas, but I do watch this forum almost daily to see what's new.

    As for the raster/vector debate, why not include both? More tools for more users. Best of everything for all tastes.

  • Thanks for answering. From the tutorial I had learned how sprites can move around with events, and that is amazing in itself! I was thinking along the lines of animated sprites so that different parts of the sprite would move in relation to what is happening (such as a walking animation while the sprite is moving by event, etc). I see what you are saying by making a series of PNGs. I did find a tutorial on the Inkscape program site which shows one how to do that (which could be imported into Gimp to make a gif). It's not what I'm used to, but I can try it out and see what I can make work.

    Here's the tutorial link in case anyone wants to play with it

  • I'm not a programmer, though I understand some of the basic principals (I did study some C++ awhile back). I do not wish to really animate from a programming side (biggest reason - carpal tunnel) and I do have a freeware program which lets me make flash animations (Vectorian Giotto). Is it possible to import swf animated graphics into Construct 2. Are there any animation building software that gives the freedom similar to Adobe Flash (Vectorian Giotto uses the stage like flash) which could be used for Construct 2?

    By the way, the beginner tutorial for Construct 2 is awesome! I would love to see more stuff like that for us who are dabbling without much programming knowledge. I would have done this years ago if Adobe Flash wasn't out of my reach price-wise. Once I get the ins and outs learned I'm thinking of buying a basic license to start with. I'm more of an artist than programmer, but your beginner's tutorial used programming terms which helped me to see the bigger picture from what I had learned when I dabbled in C++. I like that <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • 12 posts