The Official Introduce Yourself Thread

  • Hi everyone!

    I'm new on this forum and I want to learn a lot of things on game development starting by Construct.

    See you next time.

  • Hello! I have been reading construct for about a week now. I decided to make an account here and hope I become more active in this community, and make a few games while I'm at it

  • Hi, my name is Samuel!

    I like to play a lot of Sandbox games.

    I'm very good at Construct 2.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Hello everyone, I am studying now at the creator of games from my friend, I was very interested in this. Familiar advised your forum for general development)

  • Hello everyone and have a nice day!

  • hi guys i've been using constuct for maybe a month and more and man this program is a beast, the ability to use more freindly command is so cool anyways hope you enjoy my stay and i look forward to playing your games

  • Hello everyone! I'm kokororeflection, a game asset artist from the website Kokoro Reflections. It's so nice to meet you all!

  • Welcome to Construct kokororeflection! I went on your website and saw what you did before.It seems you've been making games for a little while, I'd be curious, as game devloper myself, to know why you've stopped making them rather than creating assets, what's been the blocker if I may ask?

  • My name is Wes Nelson, but I prefer to go by my internet name, Ridley12. I have Asperger syndrome, which makes it more difficult to communicate with others (mainly face-to-face), and I also have ADHD. I found out about Construct by someone in one of the Discord servers I'm in mentioning Construct 2. I've always really liked playing games, and I really enjoy the Super Mario Maker series of level-creating games! Though I don't have much creativity, I try my hardest with any creativity I have when making a level (though they're usually simple/straightforward/easy to understand what to do/etc., which I suppose is useful when making Mario levels in SMM or SMM2.) Things that interest me include Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Star Wars, Plants vs. Zombies, Bloons TD games and spinoffs, and Yu-Gi-Oh. I am currently studying for a bachelor's in digital media, and have started recording gameplay for Let's Plays (though I'm currently looking for a video editor (preferably free, since I'm not able to pay for one at the moment.)) Also, I have used RPG Maker VX Ace a little bit.

  • Hello Ridley12, you could look at HitFilm Express (not sure if I can refer it here), it's pretty advanced, makes me think of Premiere.

    It's free, you only pay for the addons you really want, that's really up to you. Tedchradar wrote a review about it and that's what they said:


    Truly professional-grade software

    Great selection of online tutorials

    Highly extendable (for a fee)


    Odd download process

    High system requirements

    Steep learning curve

  • Hello Ridley12, you could look at HitFilm Express (not sure if I can refer it here), it's pretty advanced, makes me think of Premiere.

    It's free, you only pay for the addons you really want, that's really up to you. Tedchradar wrote a review about it and that's what they said:


    Truly professional-grade software

    Great selection of online tutorials

    Highly extendable (for a fee)


    Odd download process

    High system requirements

    Steep learning curve

    I've actually used HitFilm Express for a college video project, last semester I think. And I've also used it one other time for a less-important personal reason.

  • Hello, forum guys! I'm Pawel and I'm a web developer. I don't make games at all, but I used to - or at least I tried - when I was a teenager. The Games Factory - I bet everyone here knows this name.

    When I found Construct (accidentally), I thought: wow, this is better than everything I've seen in - let's call it - drag&drop game building. That's why I'm here. I gotta try this software!

    Best wishes!

  • I'm back and working on some new games, I've been missing my Construct community.

  • Hello everyone e3xpic was here to learn Construct

    have a nice day!

  • Hi, everyone! Very happy to join your community. I am sure that I will find here pleasant and useful communication!

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