Construct Master Collection :: Enterprise Level Addon Collection

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • dop2000 Can you try removing Chadori's plugin in your project and just add this in your exported config.xml

    <plugin name="cordova-plugin-facebook4" > <variable name="APP_ID" value="123456789" /> <variable name="APP_NAME" value="myApplication" /> <variable name="FACEBOOK_ANDROID_SDK_VERSION" value="4.40.0" /> </plugin>

    And check your FB Analytics Dashboard, I think this will work.

  • OhhBaby , Thanks, I'll try, but as I understand, this will only log standard events, I also need custom events...

    EDIT: managed to send custom events using Browser Exec Javascript "facebookConnectPlugin.logEvent('event_name');"

    Thank you for this tip!

  • Announcement

    I just graduated from my Engineering undergrad, I will now gradually continue the development and maintenance of the collection, slowly implement features from the #todo-list to the #next-release for temporary release until the next milestone , which can only be viewed by the supporters. And I will be then, on full work mode at the end of June, which is when I finish my papers.

    See you soon.

    For more info :

    Visit the Discord Server.

  • Prioritized Development Plan

    For the development, I'll be starting with the following:

    1. Construct 3 :: Zero xml configuration
    2. Mobile Master Ads : New Mediations and remove depreciated ones.
    3. Mobile Local (Offline) Multiplayer
    4. Documentation Website
    5. Mobile Facebook : C3Runtime incompatibility workaround.

    This should be finished before or on July, hopefully.

    I hope the prioritizations are okay, also I am hoping to depreciate Firebase Master Collection 2.

    Since, I want to move to completely using PlayFab.

    I think others can do better maintenance for it than I can since it's hard maintaining 2 back-end server plugins at the same time.

  • Announcement - Website Development

    The Construct Master Collection documentation website sneak peek.

    I'm hoping to cover the documentation for each plugin here, sample projects accessible through an account.

    For both Construct 2 and Construct 3.

    That's all for now, have a nice day and happy game development!

  • Announcement!

    Updates on the upcoming documentation website.

    There will also be multiple project samples exclusive for the supporters.

    I am currently working on the documentation website and after that, implement each feature on the to-do list while working in maintaining the addons, like fixing bugs and improving usability.

    I hope with the documentation, even new users can easily learn the implementation of the addons from the release and forward.

    Support & Community Link


    Happy game development!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Announcement

    The PlayFab Leaderboards will get its action, Get Statistics, removed on the next release to comply with the removal of the Variadic Parameter feature of Construct 3. I recommend anyone using it to remove it from their project.

    Failure to comply will get their project corrupted since that reference wouldn't work anymore.


    Upcoming Update

    A new update is coming and it got lots of bug fixes and new features, including fixes and additional mediations for the Mobile Master Ads.

    It's been available for a while now but it's on hold to make sure it's stable when officially released. You can still access some of the changes through the Discord Community under the next-release channel.

    Keep in touch. 😉

  • Announcement : Release

    Construct Master Collection : Release

    July 13, 2019

    + Mobile Master Ads ( : Construct 2 Editor - fixed the issue where iOS add-units are overwritten with Android ad-units. [Emergency]

    + Mobile Master Collection addons now supports zero-configuration builds with the Construct 3 Build Service, to remove the hassle of developers having to edit their config.xml on every export.

    ++++ Mobile Facebook (

    ++++++++ Mobile Facebook : added the Facebook SDK pre-configured.

    ++++Mobile Master Ads (

    ++++Mobile Google Plus (

    + Mobile Master Ads ( : fixed the issue where the plugin fails to minify in Construct 2.

    + Mobile Master Ads : new additions to the mediation networks list.

    ++++ Vungle Ads

    ++++ Chartboost Ads

    ++++ AppLovin Ads

    + Mobile Master Ads : updated the existing ad mediation networks.

    ++++ InMobi Ads (

    ++++ Facebook Audience Network (

    + Firebase API V3 ( : fixed the issue that prevents the FirebaseCallbackMapKlass from initializing before the other Firebase addons if not added first in a Construct 3 project.

    + Firebase API V3 ( : fixed the bug with the c3runtime post-startup code not running because a pre-startup function was not initialized before the post-startup code.

    + Photon Chat ( : C3Runtime not working.

    + Photon Realtime ( : C3Runtime blackscreen on Android.

    + PlayFab - User Data ( : Fixed the expressions where their outputs got swapped.

    Get the update now:

  • You're doing an amazing work Chadori. Hats off to your skills! and Congratulations on completing your undergraduate degree!

    I have one request, please read it to the end, trust me I understand why you would always keep it as a FULL bundle, but hear me out:

    A lot of C2/C3 dev, like myself, cannot afford $100. Seriously. Just cant. There is no way. And yet we really need only one or two of your awesome plugins. My win-win suggestion to you is:

    1 DAY OFFER:

    $10 PER PLUGIN !!!!!!!! Limited Time 24 HOURS OFFER

    C'mon, think about it. Isn't it win-win? I assure you, you'll get 100s of purchases that day. And from then onwards, you may continue with $100. For ever.

    PLEEEEEEEEEASE ! Thank you so much for reading.

  • Bug on latest beta r158 (with version 6): Error: Addon 'CV_PlayFabClient_Leaderboards' ACE 'getplayerstatistics4' uses "variadic" parameter which is not supported in the SDK. Refer to the SDK documentation for supported types.

  • You're doing an amazing work Chadori. Hats off to your skills! and Congratulations on completing your undergraduate degree!

    Thanks. 🙂

    I have one request, please read it to the end, trust me I understand why you would always keep it as a FULL bundle, but hear me out:

    A lot of C2/C3 dev, like myself, cannot afford $100. Seriously. Just cant. There is no way. And yet we really need only one or two of your awesome plugins. My win-win suggestion to you is:

    1 DAY OFFER:

    $10 PER PLUGIN !!!!!!!! Limited Time 24 HOURS OFFER

    C'mon, think about it. Isn't it win-win? I assure you, you'll get 100s of purchases that day. And from then onwards, you may continue with $100. For ever.

    PLEEEEEEEEEASE ! Thank you so much for reading.

    I already got lots of request about this, and like my reply to the others, it simply isn't practical on my end creating a page for each addon and making a release on every page while also maintaining a bundle page. Not to mention, I'd have to make a new page for every addon I make.

    The support is actually around 60% of the time of an addon creation, including the documentation, web page and service. The actual addon creation is actually, as I have noticed, is only around 40%. If I do it your way, it would make it around 85% support and only 15% addon creation time.

    Just preparing a release in itself already costs me hours. This is due to addon management and backups.

    And releasing an update for each addon would then be highly impractical, especially since this isn't my main work.

    Even if I ignore the factors, making a download page for each addon or a management system for each addon would take me weeks. I don't think I can spare time for that.

    I'm sorry but I can't practically do that, the addons are cheaper anyway in a bundle. Maybe when the documentation website is stable, I can reconsider its feasibility but till then it's still too much work than necessary.

    I hope you understand. Thank you.

  • Bug on latest beta r158 (with version 6): Error: Addon 'CV_PlayFabClient_Leaderboards' ACE 'getplayerstatistics4' uses "variadic" parameter which is not supported in the SDK. Refer to the SDK documentation for supported types.

    Yep. We already know about this.

    The Leaderboard should be ready on the next patch, which is very soon. 🙂

  • Announcement : GitHub Tracker

    Hi, I would like to announce that the #bug-tracking and #todo-list channels are now replaced with the #notifications channel where the bug reports, feature requests, express orders and todo-list are managed by GitHub and notified through that channel.

    The GitHub page and the #tracking channel are now reinstated. All the previous history of the collection are migrated there.

    If you want to report bugs, have feature requests. an express order or just want to check the progress of the collection, then please visit the #tracking page.

    Regarding the yet unmet features and bug issues, don't worry, I'm already working on it. If you want to check the progress of it yourself, you can go to the #tracking page. If it's a new issue and unreported, please file your report, which is still at the #tracking page.

    GitHub Page:

    To-Do List:

    Discord Server Link:

    Thank you and have a happy game development!

  • Dr.Hasan, macube

    It seems my previous replies were replaced by my new reply on this forum topic, somehow by a weird bug.

    Just in case you haven't read.


    You're doing an amazing work Chadori. Hats off to your skills! and Congratulations on completing your undergraduate degree!

    Thank you. 🙂

    I have one request, please read it to the end, trust me I understand why you would always keep it as a FULL bundle, but hear me out:

    A lot of C2/C3 dev, like myself, cannot afford $100. Seriously. Just cant. There is no way. And yet we really need only one or two of your awesome plugins. My win-win suggestion to you is:

    1 DAY OFFER:

    $10 PER PLUGIN !!!!!!!! Limited Time 24 HOURS OFFER

    C'mon, think about it. Isn't it win-win? I assure you, you'll get 100s of purchases that day. And from then onwards, you may continue with $100. For ever.

    PLEEEEEEEEEASE ! Thank you so much for reading.

    Hi. There was a thorough explanation before but since it got replaced, I'll just make it concise.

    Sorry, as much as I want to help, it's very impractical to do that. Just to make a dedicated page for download of each addon would already take me weeks and updating each one would be very hard to maintain. It would be 10x harder to maintain the addons if I do that. Not to mention the support management and tracking I have to do.

    Sorry, I hope you understand.


    All the issues are being worked on and that specific problem is already fixed, just unreleased for beta.

    You can get the beta on the Discord Server.

    This is the Construct Master Collection's dedicated community.

    This is where the to-do list is managed. If you want to report a bug, request a feature, or make an express order, this is the right place to go.

    Thank you and have a happy game development!

  • Thanks Chadori! I understand what you mean. I guess I'll just wait for Christmas then :P

    Yes I read your response.. I've been noticing this weird bug as well. The replies disappear for no reason. Happening since 3 days now on this forum. I don't know if the moderators are aware.

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