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  • What is going on with these forums? Forums should be inviting and foster community, not shoving giant "BUY ME" ads in the middle of a post. Theres plenty of reasonable places to put that thing. Obtrusive ads just gives the feeling of a soulless company...not a game dev community that I want to be a part of.

  • Completely agree, I don't see how these ads make sense.

    Most people on this forum are owners of construct 2 or 3. Construct 2 owners aren't going to suddenly upgrade to c3 because of a bunch of banners interrupting their forum experience.

    Non-construct owners know full well there's a store to buy it. Most are arguably scoping out the community before buying, so no need to push them.

    Construct owners who aren't logged in get an ad for something they already own.

    And if these are placeholders for future paid media banners, and you're going to monetize your community, that's a whole other (awful) problem.

    So what's the point of them?

  • What if these media spots were used to communicate new update features with a primary Buy Now CTA and a secondary Find Out More CTA, with the former linking to the store and the latter linking to a blog article or manual entry.

    The Buy Now CTAs could then be hidden for C3 subscribers. This way Scirra gets to inform users about new features of the engine, which acts as a natural selling hook for them, whereas users both paying and non-paying get informative content that educates them about C3.

    I definitely understand the pushback against commercialisation, but there's certainly a middle ground that can be achieved.

  • The tab group feature is borken when you put lists inside

    • Borken
      • Each
      • Word
      • Should
      • Be
      • Displayed
      • Vertically
    • Werk around
      • just
      • put
      • dashes
      • manually

    Dunno if we are supposed to report forum bugs here though.

  • Hello, why sometimes (other times it does not happen) when I write a message in the forum I get the notice ?:

    "Your thread must be approved by a moderator ..."

  • I think the design and the location of the ads are the main thing that's so off-putting for people

    • All caps
    • Center alignment
    • Using the word "buy" twice (AND having it in bold red font)
    • Being right in the middle of the forums
    • Telling users "We'll make this go away if you give us your money"

    All just asking for people to get annoyed by them

    Similar to how the credits for a game come at either the beginning or the end (and not randomly show up in the middle), I feel there are better ways to go about placing advertisements

    And of course, the community can always help

  • Alright you guys win, I'll disable them if you're logged in. I think that's a good compromise?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Hello, why sometimes (other times it does not happen) when I write a message in the forum I get the notice ?:

    "Your thread must be approved by a moderator ..."

    Posts going into approval state are when Akismet (an anti spam service) believes there's a chance your posted content is spam.

    If you're under 10 posts, Akismet check always happens.

    Your post count means there's a 1% chance your post will be Akismet checked. Of that 1%, it will only go into approval if Akismet thinks there's a chance it's spam.

    Over 1000 posts, the chance Akismet check is 0.5%.

  • The tab group feature is borken when you put lists inside

    • Borken

      • Each
      • Word
      • Should
      • Be
      • Displayed
      • Vertically

    • Werk around

      - just

      - put

      - dashes

      - manually

    Dunno if we are supposed to report forum bugs here though.

    Thanks, fixed for next upload.

  • When Construct Classic forums will be available to write again?


    Still interested to know when CC forums will be back.


  • when images?

  • Alright you guys win, I'll disable them if you're logged in. I think that's a good compromise?

    Definitely gets my vote!

    Though I still don't know why there's advertising on the forum — certainly in the middle of the posts.

    For example, there's already a "Pricing" and "Try Now" option at the top, both promoting purchase. One of those could be highlighted.

    How much advertising does this forum need?

  • > Alright you guys win, I'll disable them if you're logged in. I think that's a good compromise?

    Definitely gets my vote!

    Though I still don't know why there's advertising on the forum — certainly in the middle of the posts.

    For example, there's already a "Pricing" and "Try Now" option at the top, both promoting purchase. One of those could be highlighted.

    How much advertising does this forum need?

    Forum threads provide an excellent opportunity for organic content for search engines - if someone is trying to make a mobile game and searches Google for "How do I make a game like Angry Birds" (just an example) there's a chance a Construct forum thread could pop up. For new users stumbling onto the site like this, providing a short but sweet CTA is perfect rather than relying on them to navigate the site.

    Given the fact that Scirra's only revenue stream is the licencing model, it's perfectly reasonable for them to use every opportunity they get to communicate the value of the Construct platform to new users - especially when it comes to quality of life features like forums (which are clearly having a lot of work put in to them; embedded video, built in tab menus, tables) that cost more than you'd think to host, improve and maintain.

    Rather than passing this cost onto existing users by increasing the cost of subscription, do you not feel that's best for Scirra to put more effort into expanding their userbase?

    I feel like it should also be noted that the "Buy Now" page also features the free version of C3.

  • When are the ads gonna be removed? I still see them.

  • When are the ads gonna be removed? I still see them.

    Next update later today most likely, but possibly Monday.

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