Is it possible to add a Sharp Bilinear option to scaling?

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  • If we go to the project Properties tab, Display, Sampling, we have 3 options.




    My favorite is Nearest, because Bilinear and Trilinear will make the game too blurry since I like to work with low res pixel art. However, stretching to fill the screen can ruin the pixels because it will be non integer/nearest. Is there a way to add a 4th option to create a Sharp bilinear mode?

    This one would look just like the Nearest one when scaled to integer, but when stretched, there would be 1 screen pixel between each game pixel that interpolates the 2, as if it was a minimal blur that keeps the image looking very sharp to the naked eye (especially if stretched to more than 2x), but without noticeable mismatched pixel sizes. It would look like this:


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