Ajax Request Failure with Beta R228

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  • The one mentioned in the bug report - yes I keep seeing the 404 in the console.

  • since this new update, in Preview music files are not loading... but it seems random. Sometimes a bunch of them don't load, sometimes only 1 or 2, sometimes they all load and everything is fine.

    *just realized I had experimental features turned on in Settings. And they did just add some new way to import files into Construct 3, so I have disabled it for now in case that is the culprit.

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  • not sure its related to this thread but music is still randomly not being loaded - happens as of today (stable r234.4) during Preview and happens often. Have not noticed it on NWjs (but I do those less).

    experimental features are turned off.

    what makes matters worse is I CANNOT AT ALL reproduce this in a small project. It only happens in something like the size of the game I am working on. I will say it was NEVER happened before r234.

  • Yeah, the issue absolutely still exists as of the latest beta, it happens with and without worker mode (which was the proposed cause of the issue). I´ll try to get a repro ready and post it in the issue tracker.

  • not sure its related to this thread but music is still randomly not being loaded - happens as of today (stable r234.4) during Preview and happens often. Have not noticed it on NWjs (but I do those less).

    experimental features are turned off.

    what makes matters worse is I CANNOT AT ALL reproduce this in a small project. It only happens in something like the size of the game I am working on. I will say it was NEVER happened before r234.

    Ashley Are you keeping an eye on this thread anymore? Are you aware this is now proven to be a bug that has returned in the latest few builds? Somehow your fix got un-fixed.

    This is an absolutely game breaking bug forcing us to not be able to finish or especially publish our games until this is fixed... it's effecting Ajax, Music, and Spriter files.

  • I'm afraid that until an actionable issue is filed, it's impossible to do anything. As far as I have seen from running some tests in Construct, everything is working fine.

  • I´m working on it, but it fails extremely sporadically. After several tests it failed shortest after 51 seconds and longest only after almost 15 minutes. I´d guess it´s related to this github.com/Scirra/Construct-3-bugs/issues/4422

    I think the issue may be related to suspending the window (which also suspends the engine) and maybe also suspends that part that is supposed to refresh the service worker.

  • I think the issue may be related to suspending the window (which also suspends the engine) and maybe also suspends that part that is supposed to refresh the service worker.

    Hmm, maybe that's related - does the issue only happen if you minimize or otherwise hide the preview window for an extended period of time?

    As with any issue, testing other browsers, and identifying the first affected Construct release, are useful additional details.

  • It still isn´t reliable with suspending. If it fails after unsuspending it does so immediately, but often times it just doesn´t fail. I´ll try having the window in focus and see if it also fails without suspending.

    Here´s the file I´m testing with, it basically just sends an AJAX request every second until it fails.


    EDIT: First test it failed after only 136 seconds even with the window permanently in focus.

    EDIT2: The second test is now at 29 minutes and still going... :V

    I decided to end the test after almost 40 minutes and suspended the window for 5 minutes. Guess what, it STILL didn´t fail? What the hell? I´ve now suspended and unsuspended several times and it´s still going. I think it´s safe to say this one just won´t fail no matter what.

  • Ok so I did several more tests with the window in focus and it seems that they semi-consistently fail after 5 minutes. Specifically they failed after 295, 299, 299, 314, 299, 318 and again 299 seconds.

    So maybe that helps?

  • Can you verify and link to whichever example project reproduces the bug consistently so Ashley can troubleshoot and fix it?

  • I took the example that "Grimmy" posted on page 2

    And I can confirm that it fails with (Worker On or Off) but it took a lot of tries to start failing at first and it was more random instead of waiting the 30secs as the instruction mentioned.


    My failings fail after just wait 1 sec or 2 or doesn't matter how many I just keep travelling from one layout to the other until it fails, some times takes more than 50 tries back and forwards but it will fail 100% on all the attempts, at least for me I manage to reproduce it like 8 times.

    Another note is that when it fails it will fail forever even if you change the layout and come back it will still fail every time, so it will reset only if you hit preview again.

    I hope they can fix this issue as urgent as possible as a lot of users heavily use Ajax like me or it will brake many Games.

    Error that C3 prints on preview:

    Console Error:


    Video Worker mode On:


    Video Worker Mode Off:


  • Another note is that when it fails it will fail forever even if you change the layout and come back it will still fail every time, so it will reset only if you hit preview again.

    I have observed this as well. Once it fails, it fails consistently while the program is running. It will never load those audio files from layout to layout.

  • jobel tarek2 WackyToaster Grimmy

    It looks like this major issue will continue to be ignored until and if either Grimmy can change the status of his original bug report back to "open" or if one of us simply creates a new bug report reporting the same bug.


    Ashley This issue is definately back and completely blocking many of your customers from finishing their games. What's our proper course of action for you to take this seriously? Does Grimmy have to reopen the bug report or do we need to make a duplicate report?

    If you try your own or the original example project 10 times and don't get the bug on your end, (even though we've said repeatedly the bug definately occurs, but often after many runs without the problem occurring) Then shouldn't we find out what is the difference between your set up and ours? Maybe it's a matter of browser, OS, system specs?

  • Sorry I've been out of the loop for a while. I tested the demo project on my system many times and have found no issues with the demo when using R236 beta.

    I tried leaving the demo running for long periods of time, short periods, without network connection etc but it has so far worked every time.

    I think it's a matter of continuing to test and try to hone in on the specific circumstances that the load fails before we can report a new bug.

    It doesn't seem to be 'exactly' the same bug as before even if the outcome (the file failing to load) is the same.

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