Archer (Working title) Devlog.

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Various fantasy RPG characters sprites for creating a 2D platformer or sidescroller game.
  • To be honest with the logo I wouldn't have know what it said if I didn't look at your username

    Hehe, yeah can be a bit hard, but it's little bit the point, to have people stare at it for a little while to get it, and maybe it makes it a bit more memorable. The straight also lines represent my love for isometric games, so I think it will do fine.

  • Very futuristic but I must comp Darth Crusher here. But then again since you said it is kind of the point, so I'll let it slide

  • are these non textured 3d models converted to 2d images? or vectors? Either way I like what I am seeing here. Good job!

  • Oops never-mind. I know see from page 2 they are 3d models.

  • are these non textured 3d models converted to 2d images? or vectors? Either way I like what I am seeing here. Good job!

    Yep they are 3D models, but are converted to 2D isometric images in the game. And yes I wanted the flat "vector" graphics feeling to it so you're quite correct on that point as well.

  • looks great.

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  • A little update on progress. I'm trying to squeeze in a couple of hours every week doing some more props and graphics for the game. Going a bit slowly having a full-time job, and a full-time girlfriend. >_< Anyway I would say I'm halfway though creating all the assets, and expecting to be done sometime around end of december or there about, hopefully.

    Here's a small little teaser with a few of the objects.

  • Great consistency in the graphics. I like it. These the final colors too? If so, have you thought of having them maybe a hint stronger/brighter? It might be just the gray base color that sucks the life out the the colors but maybe having them a bit brighter in the end product would be great.

  • The palette will differ a bit on different maps with more seturated or desaturated colors. Some maps will have a more evening / daytime / nighttime, etc for different kind of mood and feeling depending on the map, so the colors you are seeing now are the base colors, that will be tweaked a bit depending on map.

  • The little archer looks so cute. It will be really cool to play this game once it releases.

  • The palette will differ a bit on different maps with more seturated or desaturated colors. Some maps will have a more evening / daytime / nighttime, etc for different kind of mood and feeling depending on the map, so the colors you are seeing now are the base colors, that will be tweaked a bit depending on map.

    Good to hear. I look forward to seeing the final ones. I bet they will look good

  • Update! Most of the level content is complete. Next step is to add all the sprites, and polish the level and collissions. I'm going to start some proper play tests in the coming weeks (Estimated end of January). If you would like to participate in the multiplayer tests send me a PM, and I will provide a link to the alpha when it's time.

    Here's some farm area props from the map.

  • Love this art style, cant wait to see it in action

  • Love this art style, cant wait to see it in action

    Thanks I can't wait for people to try it out, to see if it actually turns out to be as fun as i hope it would be!

  • The graphics could seem too much simple at first glance, but it' s well done, and if you keep the game area full enough of objects, it will have a really cute overall look.

    Good work!

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