Crosswalk Intel XDK experiences

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  • >

    > > Hi, if i tick the "signed" option, where can i retrieve the key to make an update to the game if necessary?

    > > Or it would be a better way to go if i do the signing stuff manually?(the signing procedure is confusing me a lot)

    > >

    > > Thanks

    > >


    > You can make updates to your game even if you tick the Signed option. As said above, you can easily get the keystore file if you need to.


    Ok thanks.

    This may have been asked before, but what should be the minimum Android version without taking too many risks of crashes and other issues?

  • >

    > > Hi, if i tick the "signed" option, where can i retrieve the key to make an update to the game if necessary?

    > > Or it would be a better way to go if i do the signing stuff manually?(the signing procedure is confusing me a lot)

    > >

    > > Thanks

    > >


    > You can make updates to your game even if you tick the Signed option. As said above, you can easily get the keystore file if you need to.


    Ok thanks.

    This may have been asked before, but what should be the minimum Android version without taking to many risks of crashes and other issues?

    I've used API level 9 as a minimum. I found if you choose features not supported by the minimum version, the XDK will give you a warning and recommend which level to use. I guess it depends on your game.

  • I'm having trouble uploading my apk files to google play. doesn't ever seem to work no matter what i try.

  • maybe you forgot to increase the buildnumber with every apk you upload? in my case it told me to upload a real apk file and only sometimes the real reason which was the buildnumber

  • codah

    Ok thanks, maybe i'll go with APi level 14 and look at the crash reports, and decrease the API level in future updates.(if possible)

    By the way, it seems the WebGl gpu blacklist is turned off by default, which can increase the crashes.

  • Is anyone on the lastest XDK?

    The built app now asks too many permissions than before.

    I removed a lot of plugins from the project tab... but still!

  • I just choose "Minimum".

  • IntelRobert

    I have a question.

    Is it possible to do this in xdk tool's preference?

    XWalkPreferences.setValue(XWalkPreferences.ANIMATABLE_XWALK_VIEW, true);

    Because I want to use TextureView to capture screen (main canvas).

    In android,

    var ca = document.getElementById('c2canvas');

    var base64 = ca.toDataURL();

    works well

    but in crosswalk android

    black screen was captured.

    See also this:

    Cordova Screenshot plugin always capture BLACK screenshot of xwalkView ... -2233.html

    and this


  • cranberrygame

    Do you only need to capture the canvas? The following works for me. I see that the textureview has memory and performance penalties.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <canvas id="myCanvas" width="200" height="100" style="border:1px solid #c3c3c3;">
    Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag.
    <div id="placehere">
    var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
    var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
    ctx.fillStyle = "#FF0000";
    var dataUrl = c.toDataURL();
    var elem = document.createElement("img");
    elem.src = dataUrl;
  • I'd appreciate some help with a few problems I'm having. Is there any way of getting the Browser Open New Window command to work in crosswalk, or would enabling the InAppBrowser plugin help? I'm also having no luck invoking download of canvas snapshots either, can anyone help me with this? Thirdly the Set Silent and Set Muted audio commands do nothing in crosswalk, though they work in the preview.


  • Ashley

    Hi, Ashley

    I'm making screen capture plugin.

    I made this code by IntelRobert 's help, but still can't capture screen (c2canvas canvas capture).

    By which canvas, can I take base64 string?

    I need your help.


    See the code below:

    //cranberrygame start
    	Acts.prototype.SaveScreenCaptureToImageFile = function ()
    		//works <============
    		var c = document.createElement("canvas");
    		c.width = 150;
    		c.height = 75;
    		var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
    		ctx.fillStyle = "#FF0000";
    		var base64 = c.toDataURL();
    		var img = document.createElement("img");
    		img.src = base64;
    		document.getElementById("c2canvas").parentNode.insertBefore(img, document.getElementById("c2canvas"));
    		//works in phonegap but don't work in crosswalk android: black screen capture <============
    		var c = document.getElementById("c2canvas");
    		var base64 = c.toDataURL();
    		var img = document.createElement("img");
    		img.src = base64;
    		document.getElementById("c2canvas").parentNode.insertBefore(img, document.getElementById("c2canvas"));
    //cranberrygame end
  • Hi cranberrygame

    the default system plugin already has "snapshot canvas" action and the data or value is available in expression "canvassnapshot" . This is not what you want ?

  • tumira

    I did test, but it didn't work in crosswalk for andorid.

    Thanks for your reply

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  • cranberrygame

    Can you file a bug report in bug report section ? Or else I think Ashley might ignore or does not know about this issue.

  • AlexFrancois

    The muting problem is an issue with chrome for android, which crosswalk depends upon. It works in chrome for windows/mac which explains why it works in the emulator. We don't have a solution right now and are waiting for it to be fixed by google.


    I will look at the c2 'snapshot canvas' to see why it does not work in crosswalk. It might take a few days.

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