Construct 2 + CocoonJS + MoPub + AdMob

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • 1. Put the MoPub Banner ID code into Ads settings (under Apple Ads settings) in CocoonJS compiler. In the compiler, select AdMob as one of the networks via MoPub.

    2. MoPub marketplace review is only for their Ads. It's completely unnecessary if you use AdMob, all the Ads and revenue will be from AdMob.

    3. No need to use SDK.

  • BAnyBudde You don't have to do anything to your xcode project for the ads. Just follow the cocoonJS tutorials for the xcode project. All the add stuff is taken care of in the ludei dashboard.

  • send me private message and I will tell you how to get some additional downloads for your flappy game


    Can i get some info about get additional downloads? :P

  • ByR

    do the flappy game :D

  • Oh, i thought that was a general advice for android games, not specific for flappy clones ^^ thanks anyway

  • ByR

    Ever since I released my Ninja Legacy game, I was approached by multiple review sites, with offers to do a review on it, IF I pay them $99...

    I find that repulsive, to me, paying for reviews and sites that do that are worthless. Their sites are full of Ads already, they claim 2M unique visitors per month etc. Why are they demanding indie devs who are often poor to pay them such large sums?

    Well, because apparently that is how bigger dev studios do it. They pay for good reviews, pay for app ratings and downloads to inflate their numbers and move up the chart/search.

    I'm not successful so far, either my game is crap (which I don't think it is) or because nobody knows about it, so I cannot offer advice on marketing. I just posted some notices on Reddit on launch and twitter, thats it so far. Thinking of doing an old-school poster/business card spam-campaign around my city here.

  • What option for screen scaling do you select on Cocoon? Do you test how the game looks on many devices? And the last question, who pays you MoPub or AdMob? Sorry im a noob

  • I just published my app, "3316 Challenge" in the Google Play Store. For the advertisement, I used just like this, Construct 2 + CocoonJS + MoPub + AdMob. I faced some problems during this project, but I could fix all of them. Here's 2 important tips. You can try my game(down there) for the example. I didn't used fullscreen ad.

    1. Don't use ad from MoPub Marketplace.(Important)

    Advertisements from the MoPub Marketplace sometimes make your game screen black. I don't know why, but after setting it off, it runs nicely(You can set it in the MoPub - Network tab) Make your banner show the ad only from AdMob.

    2. Show/Hide the banner ad at Every tick

    Sometimes a banner ad just pops up when it's ready, ignoring your setup. So make it firm with the Every tick event.

  • sachos345

    Letterbox in C2. In CocoonJS, I use Scale to Fill. Game looks fine on every device I've tested so far. It was designed for 16:9, so there's small black bars on 16:10 devices. 4:3 device is really only iPad these days so I don't really care, haven't even released on iOS yet.

    AdMob ads only, using MoPub as the intermediate, don't use Marketplace.


    Be very careful not to "Hide Banner", because CocoonJS is bugged, it will still refresh your Ad every 60s and show it for ONE frame before hiding it. It counts as an impression to AdMob but its not legal because its a fake impression! If Google ever test your App and see that, ban hammer.

  • BluePhaze

    Thank you guys, got it up and running :) Will let you lads know how it goes.

  • Be very careful not to "Hide Banner", because CocoonJS is bugged, it will still refresh your Ad every 60s and show it for ONE frame before hiding it. It counts as an impression to AdMob but its not legal because its a fake impression! If Google ever test your App and see that, ban hammer.

    I know that. But after setting MoPub Marketplace off, it seems that the problem has been solved together!

  • "Letterbox in C2. In CocoonJS, I use Scale to Fill. "

    if you select Letterbox in C2, then CocoonJS anyway changes it to "Scale outer". That's what I saw in logcat. Just FYI.

  • Thanks for the answer man i didnt understand the part of "Hide Banner" what do i do when i want to hide it?

  • You just use CocoonJS => Hide Banner in event sheet where you want to hide it.. but my point is it doesn't actually stop the Ads, it refreshes and display a new Ad for 1 frame, then hides it.

    If you want to use Ads with CocoonJS, it has to be always on, not only on in menus or some part of your game, because the "Hide Banner" just hides it, doesn't stop it from refreshing a new Ad impression.

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  • Ohh i see then i will make a black area in the bottom of my app to always show an ad to avoid the risk.

    I have being testing the ads via Cocoon launcher and sometimes when the ad refreshes, it shows a new ad for 2 or 3 seconds and then it shows the previous ad for 60 second again, is that common?

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