Something is broken with r166

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  • My project is triggering events twice... for example i have a menu that opens when the key "esc" is hited, but now it triggers twice and it opens the menu, but it closes it immediately becuase it triggers twice, same goes for menus where you use the arrows to choose, i have a instance variable as selection so when i hit up arrow it adds +1 to such instace variable, so it functions as a selection number so i can move in the menus with the arrows by selecting the options, a alternative to using the mouse to click such option... when i hit up, it skips 1 option, so when i trigger to add+1 to the variable, its doing it twice adding +2... something with the new system of triggers is broken.... everything was working well before in the r165

    another user is having problems as well here

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    Windows 8 SP1

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  • Lunatrap

    Would help if you could recreate the issue in a simple .capx so we can all test it and either conform or not the issue you outline.

    I know that Ashley will definitely require it or he won't be able to investigate properly.

    I haven't really noticed anything amiss with the latest build yet, although that isn't to say there won't be

  • in case that a .capx is needed i will give it to ashley since the game is alreadyy quite advance and it already has some art, therefore you can understand that i cant realease it plublicly

    thanks for you repply

    please ashley, i need support here... this is not a coding error i can confirm that everything was working well before, i have the Steam Personal version and now i cant go back to the r165 now i cant continue with my project anymore since oping out of betas it downloads r163 but my project wont open with r163, unless i use a version of my project 2 month old wich i used to confirm that in r163 was working well... and before the update i was using r165 and everything was running well, when C2 crashed , i closed C2, so then steam updated it to r166 when i ran C2 again and opened the project again nothing was working...

    another test im going to do is to test my project in my BF's and my sister's laptops if the problem persist then hardware or drivers is not a factor...

    (update) i tried downloading the free version of r165 and tested my most recent backup project (3hrs before my c2 was updated to r166) and with r165... everything is working perfect, so i can confirm that is not a coding error

  • Lunatrap I'm having the exact opposite issue now. Event sheets aren't triggering at all at the start of a layout. I've gone back to 165 and everything is fine. But with r166, my character was spawning in the middle of the air despite the code being there for him to spawn in a very specific area. And the camera code was being completely ignored until seconds after the preview booted up.

    Hopefully the events issue gets resolved quickly.

  • Lunatrap I'm having the exact opposite issue now. Event sheets aren't triggering at all at the start of a layout. I've gone back to 165 and everything is fine. But with r166, my character was spawning in the middle of the air despite the code being there for him to spawn in a very specific area. And the camera code was being completely ignored until seconds after the preview booted up.

    Hopefully the events issue gets resolved quickly.

    thanks a lot for the info im glad that im not the only one, it seems that whatever is broken its creating all kinds of effects , yes i too hope this gets fixed.

  • I'm having a similar problem here. The event is triggering only once in a time, even if i set it to trigger exactly when the last event has already finished. Ashley, help us (again)!

  • I've also got a case where a function is being called twice. I log before and after the function and I log inside the function. I get the outside 'before' log line, then two 'inside' log lines, then my 'after' log line. The same code in 165 shows the expected 'before', 'inside', 'after'.

  • This thread contains no .capx files so is basically no help to us for fixing any problem there might be.

    The only thing I can think of is r166 might change the way event sheet includes placed in disabled event groups work. Is everyone affected using includes in groups and sometimes disabling the group?

  • Ashley Nope. All of my includes with the exception of a few boss fights are at the beginning of the event sheets. I can try to give an example since I can't upload the capX of Insanity's Blade.

    Each event sheet for my stages has every include in the same order. The player controls event sheet is one of the first. I have the camera event sheet loading within the player controls event sheet and not in the level event sheet. To me it looks like it's not loading the includes in the player event sheet at the start like it should. It loads the player controls, you can move the player. But it ignores the camera event sheet despite (collision) overlapping the camera sprites until my hard drive light goes off.

    So to break it down 1) LEVEL event sheet loads PLAYER event sheet. 2)PLAYER event sheet loads CAMERA event sheet.

    Hopefully that is of some use.

  • This thread contains no .capx files so is basically no help to us for fixing any problem there might be.


    The only thing I can think of is r166 might change the way event sheet includes placed in disabled event groups work. Is everyone affected using includes in groups and sometimes disabling the group?

    i tried to replicate my problem but my project is 1500 events long and since i dont really know whats not working (becuase a lot is not working) i cant replicate it in the free version and i donwgraded my steam personal version becuase if you guys pass to non beta version, i cant go back anymore to 163 (where the problem does not happen)

    i tried to replicate it but it seems to only happen with more complex event sheets.

    i can provide you with my .capx but understand that it cant be released publicly since it has art already... so i will trust it only to you... just tell me the way to send it to you...

    i will mark my biggest problem with a bookmark so you can find it easily

  • OK, I think another thing that might have changed is the order triggers fire in event includes. Previously it triggered on includes first then the main sheet, but I accidentally changed it to main sheet first then includes. This would probably have unpredictable effects on existing projects. I'll fix that for the next beta and hopefully everything will be back to normal.

  • OK, I think another thing that might have changed is the order triggers fire in event includes. Previously it triggered on includes first then the main sheet, but I accidentally changed it to main sheet first then includes. This would probably have unpredictable effects on existing projects. I'll fix that for the next beta and hopefully everything will be back to normal.

    THANKS A LOT!! ASHLEY =) as always very efficient and patien with your costumer, im glad i choose C2 thanks!!!

  • that sounds like my problem will be solved next build! all the missing sound are from include event sheet, and main event sheet triggered go to other layout before the sound play.

  • Can anyone confirm that r167 has fixed it?

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  • I have had weird problems with some things suddenly stopped working or doing it wrong when i installed r166, however its a bit hard to explain, but at least for me r167 didnt fix it. But hopefully someone can confirm it?

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