Tutorials tagged tips-and-tricks

Game making tips and tricks! These helpful tips and tricks will help you learn clever ways of making your game better and make your games faster.

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263 tutorials with this tag
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How to test your game when LAN Preview doesn't work
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Why? Because there are a few of us who no matter what can't get the Construct 2 LAN preview working with Construct 2 and port number. I've tried on multiple pho...

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Hiding the Address on Mobile Browsers
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I thought I post up these examples on hiding the address bar since there's NOT a lot on the forum or tutorials to help cover this. I tested these and they work...

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Howto Export your project to EXE
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Requirements. Clickteam - Install Creator - Construct 2 - HTML 5 Game Builder - Lets get started, we're going to start this tutorial off by first exporting the...

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Add Google Analytics to your apps
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While all of this information is available through the other tutorials and forum comments I wasn't able to find a single document putting it all together the wa...

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Top-Down Scrolling Background
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This tutorial assumes that you have read Ashley's tutorial titled "Beginner's Guide to Construct 2". This tutorial explains how to make a top-down scrolling bac...

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Facebook share button (PHP)
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Sorry for my bad English and grammar. How to make a Facebook share button for your Construct 2 games; What you need: 1. You need a website that runs PHP. 2. You...

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Five Things To Know Before Making Your First Game
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You just downloaded and/or purchased Construct 2. You've got a game idea in mind, or perhaps you don't...Yet. Regardless, you're an eager young buck (or doe), r...

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Sprite Particle Effects
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I'm here to show how to make nice particle effects easily. This is one of the easiest ways to do particle effects I know, beginner which have bit guts can (prob...

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Rate My App integration with Windows 8
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Well after doing a success installation and publishing this feature in my game "V8:ElCaminoACasa Free" for Windows 8, I decided to share how I make this integra...

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Twitter share tweet button (Browser Object)
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Hi this tutorial is about Twitter share button. What you need: Browser Object. A Twitter button (Sprite). Touch Object. What you do: Add this event and action t...

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