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I'm using the CSVtoArray plugin to dump all my dialogue text into an array. However, obviously, I have come to the issue of comma punctuation breaking this idea...

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How do I show certain text in a text box?
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I have a textbox that follows the cursor and when I hover over an item sprite with some instance variables I want it to display these. It does work but I also w...

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I've a problem with the game I made in Construct 3. When played from a iOS device, touching the screen make all be selected becoming blue like selected test. Ca...

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How do I progress dialuge using the operator ?:
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When talking to NPCs I want to click on them to bring up the next line of text. I have figured out a way that I like but it's only happening once. My code is-....

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aligning text in container
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Is there a way to define which object in a container is created first? In my case the buttons and the labels share a container, but no matter which one I create...

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I'm using the great "Give Your Fonts Mono" (v2.5), but in Arial, Tahoma and Verdana fonts are having a lot of space in my game, even after tweaks. What do you g...

posted 1 years ago
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How can I change the color of a certain part of the text?
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Please help!

posted 1 years ago
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How do I Make It So My Font Is Kept After Exporting?
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I don't know if I need to use sprite fonts instead but how do I make it so the font I use is kept on other people's pcs?

posted 1 years ago
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How do I check if a string is within another string?
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I'm trying to make a game based around the infinite monkeys on infinite typewriters thought experiment. I have a) a string that continuously adds random letters...

posted 1 years ago
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Bug in the Editor text color in the tabs?
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Does anyone else get this issue with letters in the tabs not displaying the correct color? The texts in the Sheets and Layouts tabs should be white, they even s...

posted 1 years ago

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