Content tagged status-condition

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How to make a Turn Based RPG Status Condition (DOT)
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Okay, I bet some of you wonder at times while playing a game like Pokemon or Mario & Luigi "How the heck did they code in that status effect?!", I was with you...

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Turn Based RPG Status Conditions (Turn Skips) Pt.1
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This time, we'll make a "Turn Skip". Which is exactly what it sounds like; A Status Effect/Condition that causes the affected character to have their turn skipp...

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Turn Based RPG Status Conditions (Turn Skip) pt. 2!
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Oh goodness! I've been so busy, haven't I? 😅. *Ahem!*. Now that we got our instance variable, head on over to your event sheet and make a new event. Select you...

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How do I make a "slot-based" status effect system?
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Heya, I'm the dev of a Point and Click/RPG hybrid game called Terry Rose (I hadn't released a demo yet.). I'm trying to "revamp" my Status Effect system. And to...

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Forum Topic
How do I make a Status Effect system?
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In my game, you can give (and get) status effects in battle. For example, you can cast a spell that costs a small amount of Willpower (My Game's Mana/Bro Points...