Content tagged multiplayer

A multiplayer video game is a video game in which more than one person can play in the same game environment at the same time, either locally or over the internet.

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How do I Sync an array bettewen 2 players?
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I have a problem syncing the array,the host and the peer both have access to the array but Is'nt in sync.

posted 3 years ago
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How do I fix the server signaling problem?
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I use the signaling server as "wss://multiplayer.Scirra.Com" and I tested a few and I found a problem when using mobile data doesn't seem to send or receive mes...

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I have the exact same (or very similar) issue as this person To go straight to the point, my peer join the room before the map and the player sprite is created....

posted 3 years ago
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I would like to be able to trigger an event (from the host) that changes the rooms 'locking' state from 'unlocked' to 'locked'. There's an option when creating...

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Syncing Variables & Mouse Clicks Multiplayer
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Super new here, I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I have a little test file where I have been trying to learn different concepts. I am fi...

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Peer's getting stuck on 'Ready for Input'
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I'm running into a weird error where the peers are indefinitely waiting for the 'ready for input' trigger from the host. At first I thought it might be that I d...

posted 3 years ago
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Hiring for help with multiplayer chess game
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I need help with multiplayer on a chess game I'm working on , really simple , if anyone is willing to help, I'm willing to pay , add me on Discord ZtarDuzt#8322...

posted 3 years ago
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I’m workin on a simple game like chess or checkers and I need help gettin the chess pieces to show properly in correct animations and x/y position for host and...

posted 3 years ago
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Pong game using Construct 2 with photon. Hello guys, I have made simple pong game just for seeing if photon can be used to make smooth multiplayer games. But I...

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Best practices with Events?
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I'm wondering about what the best practices are in regard to performance and development efficiency with the eventing system for a multilayer game. Currently in...