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When checking my game in debug mode in multiple browsers Localstorage is empty and no existing save data is there, but once I've exported the game to Windows wr...

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How do I save and load audio on runtime?
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I want the user to be able to select an audio file (ogg) from his local drive. Then saving the game and replay the audio file the next time the user opens the g...

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Save to c3 runtime, from c2 runtime (Local storage)
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I urgently need help, I recently moved all the save to local storage from c2 runtime to c3 runtime, but when the game is updated to Google play, all save disapp...

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How to define tags for binary data?
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I came across this topic . Can someone please tell me how to do this? Or was this feature removed? I'm not able to find the place where I can define tags for th...

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Local Storage Problem !
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I'm making side scrolling shooting game. Which consists 10+ levels..i want to resume it when the game opened again. So I want to store the level variable in loc...

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Share data across the games
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In my project a large amount of minigames. And because there are too many of them, project became heavy, and loading time is slow. So I decided to create a laun...

posted 3 years ago
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Problem reading Local storage values in a loop
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I would like to read data from localstorage within a loop. Meaning is to feel a dictionary with localstorage value. Dictionary keys and localstorage key have sa...

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Can anyone pot why the "exists" and "missing" in the following code is never triggered? I have the exact same code in a Construct 2 project, where it worked fin...

posted 3 years ago
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I am working on my export feature to save local stored calendar input data as text, so people can get their inputs somewhere saver than local storage. Until kno...

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Local Storage or System's Load/Save Slots
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I'm new to Construct 3. I'm trying to find out what's better and safer for saving data or game state - Local Storage or System Slots? Which one is long-lasting...

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