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How do I send a sprite to a specific Z index order?
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I've found a 10 year old thread about a similar question where the idea was proposed that Construct could use numbers to just apply to a sprite and move it ther...

posted 5 years ago
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How can I generate a hex tile grid in C3?
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My question is quite simple actually. How can I generate an hex grid for my turn based board game in C3 using as few actions as possible? I found an plugin for...

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How do I chain attacks in a hex-based game?
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Hey there! I'm trying to make a hex-based game where the player can chain attacks between enemies on adjacent hexes. For testing purposes, I am just using 5 hex...

posted 4 years ago
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I am building a hex-based action game with chain attacks. I currently have two powers configured (the left two electric icons): One that chains across all m-typ...

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How do I change the sprite's color by hex code ?
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I have an array with hex codes and by them I need to change color of the sprite.

posted 3 years ago
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This wonderful topic here gave a good solution to deal with hex based player movement. Here's how it works : - player and enemy sprite are associated (with cont...

posted 3 years ago
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Hex Pathfinding Algorithm
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I've created the template with a hex pathfinding algorithm. It's based on 2D Array object. I don't use any additional plugin and behavior (except "MoveTo"). HOW...

posted 9 months ago

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