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I want to have an object to follow the path of the player. Currently I have a move to which I add a waypoint every 0.1 to which works, but the movement is prett...

posted 3 years ago
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I am preparing a game in temple-run style , where the players "run" towards the top of screen . My question is this - how do I measure the "distance" the player...

posted 3 years ago
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I have a pair of sprites that are pinned "rope style". How do I get the sprite that is "following" behind to gradually move closer to the sprite in front by dec...

posted 3 years ago
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How do I Measure Distance Traveled Along The X Axis?
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So I have an infinite runner where the player moves along to right. The Player is a Physics based object. So it is possible for the player to move backwards. I...

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I have some problems in obtaining the expected result. In my project I have a family that contains an object, the family has a boolean variable called "active",...

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I really need to know how to calculate the distance between a point and a line. The expression Distance refers to the distance between two points, so it doesn't...

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I've done something like this where TILE is the object I'm checking: SYSTEM. Picky by comparison. Distance(TILE.X, TILE.Y, TILE.X, TILE.Y). TILE. (action I want...

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The topic says it all: I can't figure out how to achieve that. I have multiple Doors in my layout that do open automatically using a coordinate-tween upon colli...

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How can I calculate the distance between 2 tile in tile ?
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Here we have an distance approximate distance of 68 and a tile distance of 6. And here we have an distance approximate distance of 80 and a tile distance of 5.

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Forum Topic
How do I calculate grid distance?
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Oof, it's been a while since I've asked for help twice in one day xD. So I'm working on a treasure hunt game, it's sort of a reverse minesweeper where you have...

posted 2 years ago

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